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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Umm, not quite sure, about 2 years I presume, Black Holes was out in July '06, and Resistance was released September '09 :)

    Yeeey, and we get presents.. I have just found out... I'm getting a bass for Christmass!!!!!! :awesome: So excited now!!!! Yeeeeyy! :D

    For yourself or for others? What are your interests? :p

    Oh, that sucks! If there ever is! ;) & ah yess, very good point!!

    Aww, that sucks! :( Suppose you'll just have to keep up looking to see if anything comes up closer! My work which I go out specifically to find in the subject, is all voluntary aswell! So I get no money from that! :/ But it is very good experience, it's great! Doing sound checks, is harder than it looks at first! :chuckle:

    I know, I feel so bad for some of you guys, some don't care. I feel so lucky! :(


    I wish I could, it seems like fun, I think the hardest part of it for me would be the getting the hole in the pumpkin to start off with! :chuckle:

  2. Aaww, good! :happy: My day was okay, I'm getting in to some of my more practical art, I'm drawing all lesson now, it's quite fun! I am doing more research in other lessons now though :facepalm::p

    What work are you doing at the moment? :)

  3. Ohh yes!!! ;) A lot of fun indeed!!

    Nothing! :D Because they can't see us, cos we so ninja!!! :ninja: Oh yeah! ;)

    It's under ask a ninja on youtube :p just says how santa doesn't actually wear red and how it's the blood of children that try and see santa, and how he has to kill them cos it's the ninja code, and they can't be seen. Some of the videos are funnyy! :chuckle:


    Which page? On this site? :happy:

    Just walk up and put arms over them :cool: what's on for today? ;) Haha. Or they could be happy when being poked and tickled! Hahaha! :p Stand over them with camera, while you have a big stick in your hand! :chuckle: Awww!!

    I dooo, I can't help it! It's how he thinks too! Not just his look, I am a sucker for a musician!! I respect them so much!! And Muse just know how to have a good time... :cool: Wooo!! Dom's cute and friendly, but aaaahh. I change my mind offen, but Matt's coloured hair too!! D:

    Haha! :p

    Yeah, I'm good thanks!! :happy:

  4. My reply is late tooo! I have so sooo many tabs open!! :p It's shocking!! I had homework to do! But ended up watching Chris Moyles instead :facepalm: I am such an idiot! Too much temptation!!


    Haha! :ninja::chuckle:

    They are the best dayum hugs in the world! :awesome: Woo! Me toooo!!! More the reason why we should!!! :chuckle: Haha! I'm sure people would love our pictures ;):ninja:

    Muse are the greatest!!! They can't even be described in words!! They are amazing!!! :D Love them so much! I wanna see them again naoo!! :ohmy:

  5. Awww, :chuckle: so so cute!!! So how was your day today? :happy:

  6. Yesss!! Me neitherr!!! So excited!

    Awww, that sucks!! D: Short indeed, but Christmas soon, woo!! :awesome:


    At least you would get it at Christmas! :)

    If it was only something light, wouldn't cost much for me to send haha! They just use it as a chance to get more money :/

    I was supposed to be getting a job, but just so many things have gone wrong! I just don't know what to do now!! :(

    That sounds like a good plan to me!! :p I still need to buy all the Muse stuff I can find!! :D Just so much work to do recently!


    Aww, that's cute!! I have never carved a pumpkin, but my friend made one that looked like Jack from the Nightmare before Christmas, which was pretty good actually! :happy: Do you wish it was a tradition over there?? Yey! :)

  7. Thankss! *hug*

    Haha, it is indeed!! I always seem to be in school waaay too long!

    Oh good! :) Aww, haha :chuckle: Oh no, don't worry at all!! It's no problem, I'm sorry mine is so late! I keep getting side tracked from the computer! :/

    Tomorrow, umm, finish period 3 at 11 so of to a friends to get some work done, then back at school for 3pm to do the school radio show! :p Then back home to do most likely more work!

    Most of my work though, I say I will do work, and I end up not doing it :facepalm: Useless! xD

    What about youu? :)

  8. Ahh yes, all about the American Dream. Done that one too! :) I loved Othello! Was a really good book!

    A View from the Bridge has some really interesting characters in it!! I didn't like it at first, but it's brilliant, so well written!! You should like it when you do about it!

  9. Ding ding! ;) The more I talk about it, the more I wish it was trueee!!

    We are small innocent children... nothing to suspect here :eyebrows:

    I failed! D: Damn it! I must be more ahead of the game like youu! Ahaha, have you seen the video about santa being a ninja? :LOL:


    Oo funky! Mine was okay when close up, but I could just adjust the contrast after :p if the photo is descent at all.

    Awww, did any come out well? Itt really does suck doesn't it!!! :( Yeah, neither did I, apart from on his bongo type thing, but even then, he was in the air above me xD but other than that, no descent, even with Matt moving so much! :p

    More reason to go and meet Dom then ;D to go and get more photos!! Woo! :cool:

    Exactly! I couldn't look at him that way, I just think he's cute! :) but I just can't help, when I think of Matt, think of that, it's shocking xD

    I can't wait for the next gig they do! :D Not for that reason though lol!

    How are you today?? :)

  10. Wooooo!!! :awesome: Haha! We are so ninja :ninja:


    So how was your day then hun? :happy: xxx

  11. We shall decide on the day that we both go to see Muse!! :cool: Then we shall decide!! ;)


    And then hug some more :D aha! We can hug him too yess!!! And then wen they fall asleep, we can do like the Maltesers advert ;) haha!! Make them lie on each other! That could be fun, take pictures :chuckle:

    We loves them so much! :awesome:

  12. Gooood! :happy: Ahhh, bummer! I only had one lesson today, but I had to wait in till last lesson to do somme recording for my Music Tech arrangement! :p Long day! In school, half 8 until 6!! D: Too long haha!

    Yeah, my day was fine thank youuu! Still lots of work to do though yet! :( But the recording went well! :D So that was good! How was yours??

  13. Aww! Tinyy!! :happy: I wish I had a younger sibbling!! :( I love children! Awww, that's adorablee!! :LOL:

  14. But I don't have one! :ohmy: There is no fun in that... I just sound crap! :chuckle:


    Pleeasure!! ;D

    Exactly! :p hahaha! Awww, he is indeed! I just imagine him near enough squeaking!! I'd just stoop to cuddle him!! Then poke him while he is unexpecting! O.0 :ninja: Ahhh, I wish we could, I really doo!! I want a hug so badly! They are so cuuutee!! :awesome:

  15. Helloo :happy: I'm good thank you! How about youu?

  16. Haha :D Awww!! :happy: How old are they?? Was it a success? :p

  17. No Problem :happy: ahhh, yes!! In my first year though, I did Othello & A view from the Bridge! This year we were supposed to be doing about Gothic Tales, which I thought was really quite interesting! A book called, "The Bloody Chamber," I loved it!

  18. Oh, well that's good!!! :D You wouldn't go to see Muse? Or wouldn't have gone to see them? :O


    Aww, yes, just a bit!! But I'm sure they will come a lot closer to you! They always want to venture out!! :happy:

    Yeah :rolleyes: I am! I just had a week off!! :p How long is your holiday!


    Oooo, I wanna check it out then! :ohmy: Awww! :D Awesome! My uncle is!!

    Exactly, I'd love it on my wall too!! :awesome:


    I would send it to you! Haha! I thought they sent their merch abroad! :( Ahh yeah :( It sucks!! Can you buy at concerts? I feel so lucky!! They are amazing people to have as part of your country!! I wish I could bring them too you! :(


    Ooo, yey!! :happy: Well that's good!!

    Yeah, was okay, ended up staying inside though, had too much work to do! So I sat near the door doing my work, handing sweets out to the kids who came! :chuckle: Of course not eating any of the sweets myself :chuckle:

    How about you?? How was your halloween day?

  19. Yeahh, exactly! I'm allowed to his year! :happy: I will definately know someone going! I hope to God that Muse do Leeds & Reading festival this year! It will make my year!! :D

    Aww yeah!! I hope you can go to a fest too!! :)


    I have a Ukrainian friend at my college who has just moved over in like February, so she has taught me Russian.. although I know how to say it, and not to spell it :chuckle: I don't really think I have an accent at all, my voice is just pretty boring to be honest :p I love accents on other people though! Haha!


    Oooo! I can't wait to see that!!! But I'm in school so I will check when I get home and can use youtube :rolleyes: Let's hope it is made!!! :D!!!


    Awww! So jealous! Haha!! I wish you could buy old editions of the magazines!! You are very lucky!! :p What does your dad do??

    Hopefully including the calender? :awesome: Woo! I hope you can get it!! :happy:


    I miss them toooo!!! :supersad: Let's see!!! :D I'm just so lucky I live in their own country! They kinda can't not do us! Which sounds wrong in a way O.o

    My mum wanted to go and see them! So I was like... :awesome: Sure i'll come mum! Woo!

    Thank you very much dearr! :kiss:

  20. :happy: So relaxing!


    It was okay, I couldn't go out much though, as I had so much work to do!! :rolleyes: So I sat doing my work on the table by the door, giving sweets to the children, and eating quite a few myself :chuckle:

    How about youu?? :D

  21. Yess!!! I love them all a lot!!! :happy:

    Yeeey!! :kiss:

    It does indeed, each note flows in to another!! Matt plays so beautifully!! I wish I could hear him playy right by for me!! :happy: Such a brilliant person!!!

    Oh, fantastic!! :D I'm very glad that it was and that you enjoyed yourself!! :kiss:

    I did have fun, yes!! Although, I ate quite a few of the sweets!!! :chuckle Hehe!!

    Well.. yess!! :noey: Some children loose the innocence they should have and become annoying!! :rolleyes:

  22. :chuckle: Wooo!

    Not at all responsible for captive/ torture! :awesome: No way!

    Damn you! Being one step ahead! ;) Haha!!! :ninja:


    Awww! :( Poor youu!!

    Yeey! :dance:

    I have atm a Lumix Panasonic TZ5, me and my dad share a cannon G10 aswell, not an SLR, but just as good imo! What about youu? :D

    They are indeed so amusing!! I came across the Chris one yesterday! That is also amusing!! :p It's like your dad! I love it when he smiles! :happy: Aww, yey!

  23. Ahh yes!!! I think more people should listen to this song!! Some have never even heard of it!! I love also Falling Away With You, Hoodoo & Blackout!!! :happy: All such beautiful songs!! <3

    Woo!! :kiss: Thank you!!

    I love the feeling of playing the piano!!! It touches me!! :happy: Thanks!! I will!!! :D

    Oh yess!! Well have fun then Storm!!! :awesome:

    Yes!! I love children!!! :happy: I have always gotten on well with them!!

    See you laterr sweetie!! :kiss:

  24. What is this radio station that you keep hearing Muse on, Lizzie?? :ohmy:

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