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Everything posted by Mick4Kizna

  1. I actually started with RBS and Space Dementia. But I've been playing musical instruments my whole life. But Feeling Good and New Born definitely good starting points.
  2. I know how sensitive the FF's are when it comes to effects chains, volume, guitar and all that. But right now my effects chain is simply Guitar->FF->Whammy->Amp. I find that in order to keep a good volume i have to turn the FF's volume all the way up. While I get the sound I want out of it I find it stifles much of the oscillation. Was wondering if anybody else has to do this and/or has a solution.
  3. I agree, KoC is much better live than on the album. I still like the album but that song has a lot more energy on the stage. Same with New Born, Bliss, and Butterflies and Hurricanes. Although New Born's been a little lazy lately.
  4. Ya it's just one of my weird tastes that I can't explain myself. I have the same issue with USoE. Great on the album, not so much live. But I don't think I'm completely alone on that one.
  5. MK Ultra was probably my second favorite song on the album after Uprising. But I have yet to hear a live version that I like. I don't know what it is but that song doesn't seem to work live for me. At least not the way they're doing it. Can't put my finger on it. Love the song though.
  6. That seems like a song that could be used to be dropped half step. For some reason that's what they did to Starlight, and I don't really see why that was necessary.
  7. Liked the Montreaux one a lot, the Rock AM was good but not great. I still think Le Zenith is the best. But I just love Micro Cuts. The only performance of Micro Cuts I've heard and didn't like was on the HAARP CD.
  8. I'd agree with recent KoC performances. The outro they've been doing on this tour is a personal favorite of mine. I'd also have to say from the performances I've watched, since I've sadly never actually seen this song performed live, that Micro Cuts on Hullabaloo at Le Zenith is fantastic.
  9. I'm interested. I've only really got one antic so far but its not bad.

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