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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Okie dokie, I'll add you :D

    Mines, aMUSEd_x :happy:

  2. Not til tomorrow :D

    And okay :happy: It took me ages to think of one too :LOL:

  3. Your welcome :)

    I'm tired, and I gotta get up early tomorrow :'(

    Oohhhh, get Twitter!! I have it, I'll follow you :D

    Listening to music and went to town to get a pencilcase :LOL:

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it :p

    Your welcome :happy: You are really good at art :)

    What have you been up to??

  5. Nice to meet you :happy:


    and no I haven't :supersad: I'm not going to one this year either :'( Where did you see them?? :)

  6. Hellooo :D

    I'm fine thanks, what about you?? :happy:

    Your picture is amazing!! :awesome:

  7. Your welcome :happy:

    I'm great thanks, what about you?? :)

    I'm Ailish :D

  8. Thankyou!

    I started mine last year :( but they weren't really important ones. I get my results when I go back tomorrow :$ There's not much to be nervous about, you just have to concentrate, that's what I did :p And yeah, shcool sucks!

  9. Nice to meet you too :happy:

    That's a lovely name!

    I'm great thanks :)

    What have you been up to??

  10. CE was one of the first songs I fell in love with off OoS :) I mean if you didn't really like it, that's your oppinion, and I like to hear it :D

    I hardly ever have credit :LOL: So I couldn't go on the internet if I wanted to :(

    :stunned: I hate when you get all the bad lessons one day :mad: Two years with the same timetable?!??!

  11. :D

    So can mine :( It's not good :noey:

    I have to go now, bye :happy:

  12. Yeah, tell me what he says :D

    I have to go now, bye :happy:

  13. Mmmmm, it's a pity :( You shoud! And if he gets it, he is amazing :D

  14. They are full of awesomeness :awesome:

    Ohhh, my dad would've been too :$ he hates it when I get in his way and he's doing something important, but I do it all the time :chuckle:

  15. I thought he said that too :erm: Imagine the reaction you'd get :LOL:

    I always tell my friend to sit down like that :chuckle: and she's like "why do you have to be so mean to me?" I just laugh at her :D

  16. OMG, i would have been in stitches :chuckle: But, sadly, no on else would have got it either :noey::(

    I was watching Remember Me at the cinema, and the dad in it shouted "SIT THE FUCK DOWN" like Dom, and I burst into laughter :LOL: everyone was telling me to be quiet and gave me weird looks :$

  17. :supersad:

    I'm not really supposed to have the day off, but a few times when it's snowed it took us about 2 hours to get to school :mad: and it's only a 20 minute journey :LOL:

  18. I love snow days :happy: If it snows even a tiny bit, I get a day off :awesome: only because I have to get a bus though :(

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