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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. :p

    Ooooo you should post a picture! :happy:

    I hope I have a different one :(

  2. I took gcse art, because it's more of a relaxing lesson than the others I took and it's fun :D

    Circles! And then she lost my work :mad: I was quite impressed with it aswell :'(

  3. Chalk stones!! :awesome:

    Have you taken art?? I hate teachers picking themes too! Our last teacher made us do circles. :noey: it was bad :(

  4. I did :D I love it :happy:

    That's my mum's birthday :LOL: And it's really early compared to us! We finnish about July 20 :(

  5. I had to get a new bag, so I went :noey: How stupid of me :facepalm:

    Ohhh, I thought you went back today :stunned: Last Monday!! :eek:

    No we don't :erm:

  6. Yes, broccoli :noey:

    Wow! I would write it on my house, but I don't have any chalk :(

    I always seem to write his name of Muse in my school books :chuckle: And I don't even realise it :LOL: I have 'floccinaucinihilipilifications' written among them quite a few times :p

  7. I will :happy:

    Yes food shopping! My mum was stood there for ages trying to snap the stalk off a brocoli :mad::LOL:

    We don't get homework over summer :D because we have different teachers and such :p

  8. I like waking up at about 10 :p then I feel good :D

    And today my mum was stood there trying to snap the stalk off a brocoli ( :LOL: ) for ages :mad: I was like "Let me try" but no... she had to do it herself :facepalm:

    What have you been up to?? :happy:

  9. :erm: I'll attempt them at some point later :chuckle:

    food shopping! :eek: I hate it! :mad: Other shopping is good :)

    You have homework during the holidays? :confused:

  10. I'm not excited for going back, I hate waking up early :'(

    I don't either. My mum takes foreverrrrrrr :mad: My nan came too and she only took about 15 minutes!!

  11. OMG!!! You play sooo many instruments :D I wish I could play piano, but I suck at chords :facepalm::(

    Homework :eek: I hate homework, it takes up too much time :mad:

    I'm ok I suppose, had to go shopping :stunned:

    How was school?? :happy:

  12. Hellooo :D

    how are you today?? :happy:

  13. I never used to like Micro Cuts :noey: but then I realised that it was epic in it's own way :awesome::LOL:

    I used to think of them as weird in a good way :chuckle: but now, they are exactally as you put it :D

    Don't you have a huge phone bill? Or do you have unlimited internet?? :confused:

    Awwwhh :supersad: you have school? :( Have fun :happy:

  14. Yeah me too :D I say to my self, I'm gonna draw and then I get occupied by something else :$ I think I have a short attention span :chuckle:

    It''s true :LOL:

    Gahh, you go back tomorrow?? :(

    I'm not too good, I had to go shopping. :mad:food shopping!! blehhh, its such a blag :stunned:

  15. Neither do I :LOL:

    That's a good point! Their heads would explode from all of the awesomness and epicness that is Muse :chuckle: He does have a hard face to draw, I might attempt in a few days ( or weeks :$ )

    I feel sorry for you :(

    how are you today??

  16. It is! :LOL: I love the picture where he is on Dom's back with it on, it always makes me laugh :chuckle:

    I only did it because I was bored :LOL: I seriously had nothing better to do :$


    How are you today?? :happy:

  17. I'm taking German :D and considering learning Italian in college. I really want to live in Italy, it's such a lovely country :)

    Ooooh, do you play any instruments?? :D


    how are you today?? :happy:

  18. It would be a good course to take if there was one :D I'd take it :)

    Can you speak Italian?? Just curious :awesome:

  19. I love the Spider Dom outfit :D

    Do! I recomend it! :happy:

    I have a word document with all the links on it, its about 4 foot long :chuckle:

  20. Yeah, in Britain we sometimes call underwear pants :D So to you, pants is trousers, to me it is underwear :chuckle: It's really funny how different words are :LOL:

  21. It was funny :D But what an odd thing to wear! :LOL:

    Yeah it is :) Some bits have like words, when the phone rings, the word ring comes up, so you can see the resemblance to a comic :happy:

    I laugh for ages after I watch them :awesome: They are such a big part of my life :)

  22. Thankyou!!! :happy:

    It was really good :p

    I love listening to Muse interviews :D All of them are sooo funny :)

  23. I might just do that :LOL:

    Ewww, Justin Beiber :erm: What does everyone see in him? Seriously! :mad: They should listen to someone with talent, like Muse :p

    I have strange taste too, I find Tom Felton from Harry Potter real attractive :chuckle:

    Yeah, I failed on the face :facepalm: It looked like him until I added the features :LOL:

    2 days?? :( It's kinda depressing isn't it?

  24. Where's the video?? :eek *wants to watch* :chuckle:

    Scott Pilgrim was amazing! :D You should watch it!


    I'm greaaaat thanks :happy:

    What have you been up to?? :)

  25. :D

    I'm not like that either, I hate when my friends do it alllll the time :mad: and it's usually about someone like Robert Pattinson :vomit: Ewww! But your right, he is attractive ;) Have you ever done a portrait of him?? I tried, but failed :$:LOL:

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