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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Yeah, I suppose :p

    They did release the tickets to the 11th first.... So that might have something to do with it :happy:

    It was one of the first that I liked off OoS :D

    Goooood :) I'm fine thanks! Are you up to much today??

  2. I love City of Delusion! :D And I think that's proved she does research :LOL: Does she know about the messageboard?? :eek:

    :facepalm: She'll be fine, I mean Matt isn't exactaly 'all there' at times :chuckle: And look at him :)

    It's of Pikachu from pokemon :awesome: Well, that's what it's showing me :p

  3. :LOL: It would!!

    Is she still singing?? :chuckle:

  4. Wow!! :D

    I would have killed to go :( I'm soo jealous of everyone that went!

    No NSC :dance: I thought it was gonna be cheesy considering the night before..... I thought wrong :LOL: You deffinately picked the better night :happy: I love FG too, it's a shame that people hate it :erm:

    How are you today?? :)

  5. :eek: That would be bad! She would be real bad then :LOL: What if she started liking Chris and Dom too?? The PCT and PDT too :facepalm: OMG Citizen Erased is playing!! :dance::D
  6. Yeah..... :$

    :LOL: She makes me laugh even though I do't know her :chuckle:

    Tell her I said hi back :p

  7. Haha, good idea :p

    It would be really weird, a teacher talklig to you about Muse and how much she loves them.... :LOL: And yeah, it's funny when younger people do it, it's more entertaining :D

    She's there now :LOL: Let me guess. She's staring at your poster?? :rolleyes:

  8. Imagine you put it in and the teacher was like 'OMG! You like Muse too?' :LOL: That would be cool.......Unless your teacher is female. Then she woud probably be really attracted to Matt.......and Dom.......and Chris :$ That would just be weird.

  9. :dance: I'm so happy that I don't have any, it brings me down...

    Why couldn't they do about Muselim?? That would be soooooo much better :D

    Gooood :p I'm great thankyou!

  10. HAARP is :awesome:

    Uhhh, homework :mad: I don't think I've got any :)

    How are you today??

  11. Wow, you must have to work hard then? Two schools!! :eek: I don't have any hardcore muser friends, but I have one who will listen/watch anything I ask her to :p You don't have any :supersad: one that even like Muse?? :(............ I can't stand that music, it gives me a headache and makes my eardrums want to implode :noey: It's not good at all..

    I'm fine thanks :happy: Have you been up to much??

  12. Awwwwwwwwwwhhhh!!! She's so cute :happy: And I'm loving the message underneath :D

    Halla can cluck like a chicken??!?! :awesome: That's amazing!

    And no, not really, I was on Twitter last night getting updates on Wembley :D

    How are you??

  13. Aww, it's ok :D I think I was up til 2 :p

    No, I don't think so anway :erm: Might go out in a bit :)

    What about you??

  14. There used to be twins in my class, one boy and on girl, but I never really spoke with them....... :LOL:

    Your welome :p

    I love football :awesome: I used to play for my school :D

  15. I'm sooo happy for you!! Were you seats/standing good?? :happy:


    I know, I was getting updates from Twitter :D I cried when I heard they were playing RBS and CE!! :LOL: It caused a lot of depression for other musers :chuckle: Their version of house of the Rising Sun is amazingggggggggg!

  16. Yeah, it's passed now, though I'm still pretty gutted :(



    It wasn't a bad pun! It made me laugh :D:LOL:

  17. :D

    Yeah, it was all stuff like, Kill me and FML :$ Muse send so many people into depression :LOL:

  18. I listen to about 50 different people, just cant think of them :LOL:

    But there is a bit of Kids in Glass Houses and RATM :D You just reminded me!

    Tonight I posted on Twitter about 60 times :$ It was like 33 and now its in the 90's :chuckle:

  19. :LOL: It gets gonfusing after a while doesn't it??

    Errmm lets see.... (long list):

    Avenged Sevenfold, Biffy Clyro, Blackout ( :awesome: ) Enter Shikari, Lostprophets, Linkin Park, Nickelback, Pendulum <3, Paramore, Phoenix, Stone Sour, The Dead Weather, U2, Vampire Weekend and more which I can't think of right now :chuckle: Ohhh wait...........Tom Felton (or Feltbeats) ;)

    What about you??

  20. I wouldn't know, that's just what I think would happen......

    :supersad: That's too bad because you are really good!!

    Nawwwh it'll be fine ;)

  21. It's such an amazing way of explaining things :awesome:

    Yeah, I had hte idea a few days ago so I need to save up bottle tops :)

    I have the artwork on my wall, including HAARP, they're about 4in x 4in...

    I tried to do TR in the holidays, I did the first row and it looked awful :noey: and they're not just normal hexagons they're all conected like a sphere :erm:

  22. I wouldn't want a twin :noey: Because you'd always be compared, on things like music, grades etc. and it'd be annoying after a while :indiff:

    It probably is...

    You do covers of songs?? *Goes and watches*

    Wahooo! Two and counting ;)

    I'm sure it will look great once it's done :yesey:

  23. :D

    Yeah, it's kinda embarrasing now :$

    He is, by miles :p A retarded pony and a unicorn? :LOL: God that made me laugh!!

    Ooooh I like that one :) I'm gonna try and make TR artwork using coloured bottle tops :D

  24. I posted that on my profile. Twice :facepalm: That was an epic fail :$

    Yeah, I'd watch Harry Potter everyday and skip to his parts, or stalk his Bebo profile :LOL: It was really bad! I'm over it now, it was like two years ago, but I have got some of his songs on my iPod :rolleyes:

    Good, I'd rather her be obsessed with Matt than Justin Bieber :D

    I don't have a Muse poster :( I have a little picture of them :)

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