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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. No :'( :supersad:

    Yeah scenery is cool :yesey: I love mountains!! :D

    And yes, Wednesday 8th September :) Thursday because I am getting my braces off and Friday because I will be "in pain" :chuckle:


    I don't think he's listening either :( but it will be worth the money :happy:

    how are you?? :)

  2. I really wan't to go to a Muse concert!! :supersad: But I'm not so I'll just watch videos of it on YT :p


    mmm, I love the Irish accent!! It is just... oofffttt :chuckle:


    I go to Wales allll the time, seriously like every two weeks!! It's nice if the weathers good but if not you can't really appreciate the beauty of the scenery pwoperly :)


    School hasn't started for me yet!! :dance: I go back on Wednesday, have Thursday (and maybe Friday) off :D


    I know the feeling of having no money, I only seem to have it when I don't need it :( Poor you, you have to pay for your ticket. But I suppose its worth it, given the fact that its Muse!! :)

  3. I can't get enough of it, seriously!! :LOL:

    Meh, I suppose. Nothing spectacular really but its better than school :chuckle:

    How are you?? :happy:

  4. I'd like to travel the world, visit big cities and such :D New York would be on the list :yesey:

    Are you gonna watch Muse: MTV World Stage tomorrow?? I'm so excited for it!! :chuckle:

  5. I'm fine thankyou :happy:

    And nothing much really, I spend most of my time just listening to music :LOL:

    how about you??

  6. Your welcome :D I love your avatar by the way :happy:

    How are you??

  7. I'd love to live in Italy :yesey: That's my goal in life :chuckle:

    Is New York really busy?? Y'know with all the tourists? :)

  8. I hate when summers are bad :( I live in Britan so thats all the time :mad:

  9. I love football :D - except when Liverpool fail to win :noey: Liverpool FTW!! :dance:

    Who do you support??

    Have fun on your day out :p

    Slept over my friends house and been to the park :)

  10. Thanks :p

    This is random, but me and my friend had a conversation about pasta for 3 hours!! :chuckle:

    Have you had a good summer?? :happy:

  11. :supersad: no, I'm not :'(

    I'd love to go to Scotland!! Was it good?? :D


    I went to Wales for a week :)

    How are you?? :happy:

  12. Wales can be nice, IF the weathers good :LOL:

    Pretty good scenery and its peaceful I guess :yesey:

    Have you had a good summer?? :)

  13. I'm ok I guess, I was up til 7 this morning and now I feel drained :(

    Serves me right :LOL:

    Have you had a good summer?? :happy:

  14. I go back on the 8th :D and too bad about the tickets :(

    It's been great :happy:

    what have you been up to?? :)

  15. School sucks :(

    and just the usuall boring everyday things :$

    how are you today?? :happy:

  16. Wales :stunned:

    I wish I had some money :( I hate having none!!

    Nothing much, just about to go to my friends house :p

  17. I'm great thanks :D

    Have you had a good summer?? :happy:

  18. Awwhhh thanks, that would be awesome!! :D

    Harley is a nice name (Dom too :p) :happy: I'm Ailish :)

  19. It was a it boring, awful weather :LOL:

    I'm fine thanks :happy:

    What have you been up to?? :D

  20. I hope you reach your goal :happy: If you do I'll buy your CD's :D

    And your right, autumn is pretty good :p I love all the different colours :yesey:

    I once went out in a vest-top and thin jogging bottoms in winter, and it wasn't too cold!!

  21. I wish we had winters and summers like that :(

    Our summers are more like autumn and winters are just plain lousy :noey:

    I would really like to go to Italy, it seems lovely there :D Denmark too :p

  22. England, where the weather is always lovely :LOL:

    And Wales is no better, I go all the time :( I'm a quater Welsh :chuckle:

    Where would you like to travel to??

  23. You play so many instruments!! I wish I could :(

    Not much, went to Wales and did boring stuff :stunned::LOL:

    how are you??

  24. Yeah, wonder how you guessed :rolleyes::LOL:

    and you??

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