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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Awwwhh, poor you :(

    Yeah, I think I'm better than you are :stunned: Been bored but life goes on :LOL:

    what have you been up to?? :D

  2. Been to Wales and did boring stuff :stunned::LOL:

    how are you?? :happy:

  3. Aww lucky you, I hope it's good :D

    What have you been up to?? :happy:

  4. I only saw the top three to :( I was at my friends, just woke up and I heard uprising playing :dance: so I ran like a lunatic and there was only 2 left :'( And Matt is cute :yesey: And I'm great thanks :happy:

    Was London good??

  5. Been on holiday :p

    How are you??

  6. Lucky you :happy:

    I'm fine thankyou :D

    what have you been up to?? :)

  7. I'm good thanks :happy:

    what have you been up to??

  8. Nothing much :(

    I did some drawing on holiday last week :yesey::D

    how are you??

  9. N'aawwwh thanks :D

    you are cool too :happy:

  10. You are sooo lucky!! :D

    I'm great thankyou :D

    what have you been up to??

  11. Your welcome :)

    im good thanks :D

    what have you been up to??

  12. Im good thanks :D

    how about you?? :happy:

  13. I'm great thanks :D

    What have you been up to?? :happy:

  14. Cool :happy:

    I used to play violin, but failed :facepalm::LOL:

    how are you??

  15. What instrument do you play?? :happy:

  16. Not much really :LOL:

    How about you?? :happy:

  17. I've got the CD's, and I downloaded the singles off iTunes :happy:

    I might just do that :D I don't think she'll mind :)

  18. :eek:

    :LOL: I haven't got good enough security for that :( so my friend does it for me, I've had about 50 songs off her :chuckle:

  19. I'm great thanks :happy: I really wanted to wath Vampires Suck but no one would go with me :supersad:

    And the weather's been cold and rainy here too :(

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