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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. I bet she does do research :LOL:

    I had one of those phases with Tom Felton :$ It passed, but I still think hes hot :p

    You got Muse into her system!

  2. I sometimes wish I had a sister...........No. That's harsh - I love my brother really :happy: Is she younger then?? I ued to watch iCarly when it first started :$ Bigest mistake of my life :LOL:

    Starz? Never heard of it :indiff:

    No, I don't :( And even if I did, I wouldn't use it much. I just like to watch Muse videos on there :rolleyes:

    Okie dokie, I shall go forth and join :chuckle:

    How did the project go??

  3. At least they haven't played the full Exo, I may have just died :$

    :eek: I wonder where she gets it?? I believe you, she is really random by the sound of it :LOL:

    If her mum finds out she will probably blame you :( It is most deffinatley not appropriate :facepalm:

  4. Emo??!!? They as far from emo as possible :confused: people who think that confuse me :LOL:

    We can both be sad together :(

    :chuckle: I think that will make you depressed and scared :indiff:

  5. My brother doesn't like Muse :mad: Maybe one or two songs, but that's it! :indiff:

    I have cried twice now, it's not even funny :'( Lucky people!!

  6. What are the odds of that? Me asking you if he's older of younger, but he's the same age :LOL:

    I have a younger brother, he's not into pop or R&B but he listens to bad music imo :noey:

    I know. I'm depressed, I actually cried just :'( LMAO!! Same, and I wouldn't bbe able to talk :LOL:

  7. Yes, and hopefully it will work :D

    You have a brother too? Older or younger?? Mine is sooo annoying, and has crap taste in music also! :mad:

    :'( You'll be fine!

    Ewww. Spiders suck. And if we don't stop them they will rule the world one day :noey::eek: I've said that, and knowing my luck it will happen :(they are ugly, have you watched Harry Potter 2?? I hated the spider bit! :LOL:

  8. It's not disappointing, you said 'My band' so I assumed you were a musician in the band :$ I assumed wrong :facepalm:

    I read that the music will be on iTunes, I might just have to buy the songs :awesome: What sort of gigs do they play??

    Nahh, I don't play anything. I'm not very talented :LOL:


  9. I have depression and not much else :( I'm excited to know if the setlist is good :D

    You should! And then he might feel bad and get you tickets for their next show in England! :p

    I told my brother that I had a small hatred for people going, because I'm not, and he was like 'Woah! That's a lot of hate!' :LOL: I really wanna be there :'(


    AHHHHH!! I hate spiders :( A huge one was in my room yesterday :eek: I think (so does Matt!!) that gravity should be lighter, then all spiders would die! Ha!

  10. I've listened, and I must say you're a good little band! :)

    What instrument do you play??


  11. Snap! :(

    They're on soon!!

  12. :D

    haha, I'm guessing you don't enjoy school much? :indiff:

    PE is my least favourite :$ Everyone gets really competative at my school and it just ruins it :mad:

  13. You have a band :awesome: Have you got any videos?? :happy:

    Mines aMUSEd_x :D I was thinking about making a list, I just don't know how to :facepalm: If I figure it out, I will deffinately add you :)


  14. Ooooh, 5 day trips are awesome :awesome: And itll be even better if you see her :p

    What's your favourite class at school?? :)

  15. I don't like x factor, it bores me :$ I'm gonna be on Twitter, looking for updates on the setlist :D There's no point even trying to stay on here, Doris will break :facepalm:


  16. :happy:

    Goood :D I'm bored too :indiff: When Muse play in 30 minutes, I'm going to be on Twitter seeing what the setlist is... and be sad :(

  17. :LOL: My brother used to watch it :facepalm: I found it annoying and pointless, like most TV programmes today! I only watch TV occasionally :happy:

    No, when you have Sky, you get the Sky channels (Sky Sports, Sky Movies etc.) :)

    YT is :awesome: I always go on it!!

    Yeah we get CSI, I don't like it. I find tv boring :$

    Tell me when you make it and I will deffinately join :dance: I think I'd die if there was no more Muse :'(

  18. That's quite a journey :LOL: I hope you get to see her soon :happy:

    They aren't hardcore. Yet. :)

    Tiredness sucks! It makes me feel drained :( You'll feel better once you've got used to school, trust me. :D

  19. Awwwhh :supersad: I feel bad for you!

    I'm ok I suppose, just a bit tired :D

    Have you been up to much??


  20. Awwwh, it's nice to know they care about the fans, not just themselves :D I bet it was really good to be there!


    I was super-depressed yesterday because of Wembley, I felt like crying :LOL: Tonight's not as bad though, I'll just have to listen to them all night :(

    I'm great thanks :D Have you been up to much??

  21. It is :( But if it's an epic album it will be worth the wait! :yesey:

    I'm fine thanks :happy: and you?? :)

  22. You put "Yes we are!!!" and it reminded me of Bob the Builder :LOL: (I don't know if you've heard of it but the song goes: Can we fix it? Yes we can! :chuckle:)

    That's cool :D We just watch movies on Sky movies, or buy the DVD :( Your way is so much cooler :indiff: The first time I watched the Ring, it was on YT in parts :facepalm:

    :dance: Wahhooo for your good acting!

    Science is just :awesome: I love learning about space :rolleyes: and making things go BANG! is awesome!! I want to be a Forensic Scientist so science is kinda a must do thing anyway :LOL:

    Yeah, make one!!.... Matteh can't do it! That would mean timeout for Muse :eek:


  23. Wow!! You are sooooo lucky! :D

    a Meet and Greet?!??! That's amazing, are they nice?? :happy: And I think everyone in their right mind would want to win one with Muse :LOL:

    How are you??

  24. :D It would! :p

    I can't wait :LOL: And it'll be in 2 years time :(

    I really hope they play near me :indiff:

  25. :D We both did nursery! 'Cuz we're cool :p

    I'll be sure to ask her on Monday! Or I'll get them for xmas :LOL:

    Nahh, there isn't really much good in there :noey: There are so many of them by where I live, it's unreal! :mad:

    It's not braggy! I'd brag if I was good at something :) I'm more of a science type of person :p

    That's a good idea, and we should get a whole load of Muse fans to aswell :yesey: But I doubt Matt would say yes, he probably doesn't have time :'(

    Gooood. And have fun doing the projects!!

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