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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. :LOL: It's only small anyway!!

    Hopefully we'll have a new album by 2012 :dance: I hope they do a pwoper rock album - or something along the lines of Oos/Abso era music :D

    Yeahh they probably will :happy: and they might do some near me :party:

  2. Gooood :happy:

    Cool, none of my friends would waste their credit to text me a setlist :LOL: How far away does she live from you??

    I'm used to it now, I've had two days :D

    I am on a mission to change friends to musers :chuckle: I have oe who has Muse in their top 10 bands, and one who said Muse were pretty good. I will make them convert into hardcore musers :p

    I'm fine thanks.. a bit tired though :(

    Have you been up to much??

  3. Oooooh :) I bet your really excited! Have fun :p

  4. :happy: What time are you going??
  5. It's ok :)

    I'm great thankyou :D

    And you?? :happy:


  6. Hellooo Rosy :D

    Have fun at Wembley today :p

  7. Staffordshire :D

    I've been to Yorkshire before, it was with school :)

    JLS deffinately don't count!! :LOL:

    :eek: It would be amazing if he did :happy: Read they were all moving to London in 2011 to start work on the next album :D They might do a gig there though! I read something about them playing smaller venues too, and that was on the NME website :p

    You'd be spazzing out for a good reason!! :D

  8. Ughhhh I really don't like pop music :D

    I've heard of the Wanted- I think :LOL:

    No bands ever come here anyway :'( I think the most famous person that's been through our town is the Queen, but she was just passing through :chuckle:

  9. Haha, are they local bands? Like non-famous ones?? :)

  10. Awwwhhh :happy: Those dogs are soooo cute :D


    Goood, and I hope your headache goes soon :( The board is really addictive!! No matter what I do on the computer, I always end up on here :LOL:

    I'm great thankyou :D

    Have you been up to much??

  11. I know, they''re always like that :'( But I do go on about Muse a lot! :chuckle: I've got one of my friends to listen to Muse (well a bit) :D She Likes most of TR a few off BH&R and some off OoS :p Awww you have a nice friend :happy: Is she a Muser aswell??

    School :( It'll be fine, I'm sure the first day is always the worst :indiff:

    Holidays, I wish I was some where nice :( Ahhh well.

    How are you??

  12. Goooood :happy:

    I don't know what to do either :LOL:

    And nothing, I've just woken up! What about you??

  13. Yeah :) But you can do both. I did :$

    :LOL: I kinda forgot too, so you're not the only one :noey: And yeah, four episodes! I might as my friend to let me borrow the series with David Tennant :awesome: (if she has is :indiff: )

    Yurp :p Its where you get stuff for £1 :LOL: I only ever use it to get pens and pencils if I'm in desparate need, or for drinks :)

    Yeah, I hate it! I'm not even sure if hate is strong enough to describe how much I dislike it!! Are you a good actor??

    I love it toooo :happy: Dom the companion....... sounds good to me :chuckle:

    How are you??

  14. :LOL:

    I'm fine thanks :happy: and you??

  15. No problem :) Awwwhhhh a dog! What sort of did you get?? :D

    and thanks!


    How are you??

  16. Yeah, Reception or Nursery :D

    Muse :happy: Matt, Dom & Chris :p You know what? I've only ever watched about 4 episodes of Doctor Who :LOL:

    I think my um got it form Poundland :LOL: It's amazing, I like to pretend I'm gonna electricte my brother with it :) His reaction is priceless :chuckle:

    I don't like acting! I always end up embarrasing myself :noey:


    And :LOL: at the picture! So I'm not the only one who thinks it :dance: Could you imagine Matt as the next Doctor Who? I'd deffinately watch it then :p

  17. :supersad: The band sounds girly! But I guess it's worth it :D

    Yeah, it's weird! (:facepalm: I just realised that I put I'm in year 9, I'm year 10! What a douche!!)

    :LOL: I have 3 (that I know of) And I'm guessing you like Doctor Who ;) David Tennant kinda reminds me of Matt :$

    Yeah, they kill flies. We have a fly-zapper so we don't need spiders!!!

    Is that like acting and stuff like that? :LOL:

  18. :LOL: Her mum must be thinking "What has this band done to my little girl" :chuckle:
  19. I will deffinately watch them :D I'll be your No.1 fan :happy: What's the song you hate?? Is it really bad?? :(

    We have Primary School (Reception and then 1-6) and then Secondary School (7-11. But you can stay on til 13 if you want)

    Anything rock does me fine, but my weak point is Enrique Iglesias, I love his music :$ Your marching band is cool :D We don't even have one!

    I dunno who my idols are :LOL: Muse are first (and they count as three :) ) but then I have no idea :noey:

    Spiders are just... ewww. They do no good to the planet, why are they even here? (I'm gonna get attacked by spiders tonight :( )

    Gooood :D Oooh we did one of those in Humanities :)

  20. Were you embarrased?? I bet they were wondering what your teaching her :LOL:


    I was just about to put the same thing!! Goodnight :)

  21. It was :facepalm:

    I really do hope you enjoy it :happy:

  22. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: That made me laugh soo much!

    What a creative song :D


    She sounds interesting :chuckle: Next time you see her, tell her I said she is amazing and to carry on loving Muse til the end :D

    I'd be scared to :eek: And poor poster!

  23. Yeah :noey: They could have come up with a way better setlist than that :(

    Even if they play a bad set tomorrow, it will still be good :D The atmospere will be amazing!

  24. I'm excited for you! :D Will you post videos?? :)

    I'm in Year 10. I suppose that's 10th Grade :LOL: Do you have a midde school then?? :indiff:

    Uhhh, Ke$ha and Justin Beiber. I hate their music!! :mad: I don't mind Lady Gaga though. Yurp, they're really good :happy: I didn't think I'd like thm at first but I did :D And Jack White is a good drummer!


    :LOL: It was horrible :( I saw it and leaped onto the bed screaming :noey:


    Well, yeah you should text her- if you wanna do the project that is :) And it shouldn't be awkward if other people are going anyway :D Do you know what you have to do for the project??

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