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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Omg I wear this shirt all the time, but today it gets noticed. Most people I talked to yesterday, though, were like, "Oh, I'll just get my mom to buy me a Justin Beaver shirt."


    I'm like, "That's not a rock band -______________-"

  2. Right outside Philadelphia in PA, you?

  3. :awesome: Tabs are the best! No one ever suspects them really! =D
  4. Oh you bad girl! Going on the boards at school! :awesome: lol i would but I always have teachers looking over my shoulder.

  5. When we bleed, we don't bleed the same</3


    omg backround change o:


    On a brighter note, tomorrow is "Wear your favorite band shirt" for school spirit or whatever:awesome: Guess what I'm wearing! lol there was this one girl with a Muse shirt that i saw before, but she just walked away before I got to, like, scream in her face. So I'm hoping she wears it so I can talk to her or something 8D

  6. Hi :awesome: I've talked to you a bit on the boards and stuff. Just saying hi =D lol

  7. :D instead of white I painted "MUSE" in sparkley gold. :facepalm: My mom painted them actually xD, and my left hand says "ESUM" cos I told her to do it like that by accident. I thought it was the right direction but it wasn't D:< lol *is a failure* it looks really cool though =D I'll post a picture later.
  8. lol you so should have! i so would have done it lol

  9. :awesome: omg it was great! I got all jittery standing there, looking at the floor, and then I looked across the room and saw a picture of naked ladies and thought, "gee, I bet they liked that." lol and that other one with the urinal-art. i looked at it and went O_o my mom was like, "woo! art!"


    stupid periods are stupid. D:

  10. ah! kayla i just stood exactly where Matt, Dommeh, and Chris were when they came to my city<3 omgomg*dies*

  11. :D jaimee, im going to an art museum that Muse went to exactly 2 months ago =D wow im not a stalker at all :awesome:


    i think theres a couple twitpics of it, actually. like, matteh stealing a van gogh painting xD

    ill kiss the spot on the floor he was standing for you lol

  12. I started with my nails, theres black on them, but my white was all...crappy. So I'm getting new white nail polish today :awesome:

  13. the person with teh green shoe in the middle, he has kurt cobain converse *is jealuz*


    oh, i didnt even have a stencil, and ive gone over it like, 4 times.


    :/ i only have one pair, but i rly want these word-puzzle-that-i-cant-remember-the-name-of ones, they look so cool. alright i gotta go to bed noww D: g'nighty, or good afternoon to you. whatever. bye.

  14. bright yellow chucks<3 when i first got them everyone gave me weird looks, now lots of people own converse in my school.


    *is angry at the long-ness of my socks*


  15. well, my shoe has the "Muse" symbol-thing on it so I think he'd appreciate it. :awesome: Oh, Jaimee, don't throw your bra, get a really big one at the store and put your name and number on. He'd like that much better, plus he'd have an image of some big-breasted mid-20 yr. old instead of a 15 yr old =D

  16. :facepalm: i used past tense by accident. I want to throw my shoe at him, but I'm too far away xD
  17. =D *creepy voice* whana be friends? lol jk but rly. xD

  18. i know, i looked at the thread.


    i wanted to throw my shoe at matt at the concert rly badly but im too far away. lol xD

    *points to profile pic*

  19. lol at the punintended muse-reference. xD

  20. o: I leik your nails xD I was just going to do mine black and then put "Muse" in white. Lol but now I see yours and feel like a failure xD Did you do them yourself?

  21. i dont get the whole "my keeps" things. its confusing. but if i had a keep, it would be the almost-scream in hyper music. /shifty


    *points down a few posts* my little wooden car is gonna be a banana that says "Property of Matt Bellamy" lol

  22. mmm....MY MOMMY SAID SHE WAS GANA GET US TICKETS =D YAYAYYAYAY. not GA though...stands. but w/e im still going right? i get to see maffoo and dommeh<3 omg i have something to look forward to in life. in october. lol my mom loves them too, she introduced them to me xD


    oh, and that would be epic if i came to Sydney to see them and meet u lol



    my mom said we cant freakin go cuz its on a school night and it costs too much freakin money. This is so gay shes like "oh it goes till 1 am". Im like r u srs mom? The other concert was on a tuesday freakin night. Omg this is made of crap.

  24. omg like hi and stuff its hannah/luhlandcows from ACC. from teh muse thread =D lol

  25. well, theres still some hope since the official tickets havent gone on sale yet...i just for srs wanted the floor...D;


    lol so in one class we are making little wooden cars for racing. should i make a fun one: a banana that says "Property of Matt Bellamy" or one that will actually do well in a race but says "resistance" on it?

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