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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. :LOL: Oh yeah :LOL:

    How about....no school! :awesome::LOL:

    Do you? It'll be hard staying in one grade forever, same work all the time :LOL:

    Oh yeah :p

    Well, there's a nice history lesson for me! :awesome: Thanks for letting me know!

    Awesome :)

    That sounds like an awesome day! :awesome: Haha just wear what you want :p

    Ok! Hope you look nice then :awesome:

  2. Is not :phu:





    Do you? :awesome:

    I'm back now :D

    Hmmm, whatever you do, have fun :D


  3. :facepalm: Sorry, I should've seen that! D: Are you rally in the 9th grade? :LOL::p

    No, the same :) I finished on June 31 and I go back August 29 :) Why do they suck??

    Aww haha you can still see your friends anyway! You don't have to act mature, be yourself!

    :yesey: Sounds good! Nah I don't like Swedish girls much, finnish girls are nicer :p (haha, really? :p)

    Wow. Were all of you connected then? Well, 94 good years then! :)

    Good :happy:

    Oh cool! I was just talking to Mkekko96 and he said he lived in Tampere! :awesome:


    So, what are you going to do today? :)

  4. haha :p


    Oh seriously? Do you get to miss school? :awesome: Still so jealous! :noey:


    Nice guitars there! I'm just stuck with a Fender for now :/ Wow that is a long name :eek:


    Yeeah! :D Haha you'll get one in the end! Don't worry! :LOL:


    I have a second hand one, but the person I got it from never used it! I might make a Dead Star cover and put it on YouTube but my laptop is really bad with audio recording :noey:

    Awesome amplifier! I have a silk road amplifier :rolleyes: No one's ever heard of Silk Road.


    What other effects do you have for your guitars?


    Oh you really should! I'll tell you all about it! I'm also going to Wedding on Thursday here - http://www.vacationkillarney.com/images/upper_lake_killarney.jpg It's in a hotel somewhere in the forest! I have family there so that's good, and I'm a quarter irish too :D


    Here are a few good Arcade Fire songs:

    - Wake Up

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNqnvaWZ-JA - Month of May

    - Ready to Start

    They're a bit Indie Rock and a bit heavy too. When I go i'll post some videos and show you!


    Awesome! I've heard of it before actually, it looks awesome!

  5. oh, ok :(

    aw your welcome :)

  6. hey :D


    Yeeah, Farelial told me about you :LOL: I also saw one of your posts so I thought i'd say hi! :LOL:

    :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: I'm so frickin jealous of you! I've been trying to beg my parents to take to it but I have school the next day and I'm also seeing Arcade Fire the day after! :(

    Have fun there anyway!

    Oh really? Cool, what kind of guitar do you have? :) I also play Guitar. I'm saving up for a Manson next year. Do you have a Fuzz Factory? :) I love playing Dead Star with heavy fuzz!


    I'm fine thanks :D I'm going on holiday to Ireland for a week tomorrow for a wedding and then when I come back I get to see Arcade Fire! :awesome: do you like Arcade Fire? :)


    So where in Finland do you live then?

  7. Ah ok. What do you mean? What does live in fitire mean? :awesome:

    Yeah! I go back on 29 August! :) Yeah school can be fun! Is it? :( Aww that sucks, you don't get to see all your friends either anymore, right? :(

    Yeah, England is awesome! I can't wait to go back to england next summer! Then I will live there :awesome:

    Hmm I know some Swedish people, but I think Finland is better :yesey: I like finnish girls for some reason :confused: I don't know, I just think they're very nice (i'm being serious, i'm not flirting :p)

    Was Finland really a part of Sweden before? :eek: i didn't know that!

    Awesome! Sounds like a fun day :)

    What part of Finland are you in? Near Helsinki?


  8. good :)

    Hmmmmmmm that's weird. I always have to send something twice :noey: sometimes the first time it doesn't even send. i sent you ☼ because of what you reblogged :)

    (haha maybe :LOL:)

  9. hey, hows it going? :)

  10. Yeah it was fun :) Hmm maybe that's why :LOL: !

    Forgot to say, I like your blog a lot too! I just left something in your ask by the way :) Did you see it?

  11. It does suck :( Nope, nothing at all :rolleyes:


    It is :awesome: I've played it at a friends house before :) Haha just like Matt!


    She did have a really good voice! :yesey: Oh yeah that Chinese Woman, :noey:

    how was your day today? :)



  12. Yeah :awesome:

    That's a nice little group :) Have you all met eachother before? :)

    Good :D That's late! Oh you also have school? I'm still on holiday! :p

    I'm fine thanks :D I live in Holland, but I am actually from England :awesome:

    How was your day?

  13. Is not :phu:






    Cool :) Did you have fun? Haha nice and late :p

    I chilled and also watched some sports. My sister has a running competition today so I'm out for a long time :( No boards....

    What are you doing today?


  14. Hii :awesome:

    Haha kinda :LOL:

    Well, hi :)

    ah cool, anni is :awesome: <3

    so, how are you? :)

  15. Is not :phu:



    Good :)


    Yesh :D

    what did you do today? :)


  16. Cool I thought so :p

    yes that's me :) (thanks!)

    i remember we used to talk a bit and I just realized it was you :D

  17. :rolleyes:


    I've just had enough of this whole thing completely. I can't even-:noey:


    haha sure it isn't :p

    :awesome: i really want guitar hero!

    :yeset: oh yes

    goood :p:rolleyes:

    i watched some cricket and football and chilled :D did you watch the x factor?



  18. are you roofrunning on tumblr??

  19. :rolleyes::LOL:


    Yeah :noey:

    They think they can use their Banter Popularity as a "weapon" of authority :rolleyes:

    Oh god :rolleyes: They probably do :facepalm: haha you think so?

    Cool! That sounded like fun! :D Did you play any Muse songs? :) I just stuck to BBC1 all night and afterwards watched a recording of An Idiot Abroad

    Oh yes, that BBQ :rolleyes: I'm staying home :):happy:



  20. :rolleyes::chuckle:


    No! It's not good if everyone just gets a pop up hotel or something :noey:

    :LOL: Yeah it is!

    :rolleyes::facepalm: do they get it now? :rolleyes::chuckle:

    :happy: What did you end up watching :) Mine was good thanks :D

    What are you going to do today?



  21. I still have the emails and messages from her and I'll use them once I get an explanation from her in full. Not a "It wasn't me." I contacted Kirky and he replied to me offering to help which is good. But it's all a bit on the quiet front now
  22. Thanks :)

    The difference is yours never got removed ;)

  23. Cool. Holidays should be used wisely, you're doing it right :yesey:

    hmm D:

    when is she back then? :D

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