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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. OMG Leonie?? That's such a nice surprise to find you here! :awesome: (well, you found me first but still)

    I didn't know that you're a member here as well. :D

  2. I'm following them too. :D

    Matt sang "Since I lost you" in Birmingham too which was more than a month ago.. Love is so difficult. :indiff:

  3. Aww :( :(

    But at TOTP and KROQ he seemed like there's nothing wrong with their relationship.. Ah I don't know. I just hope he's ok.

  4. I only heard that their relationship is "on the rocks" and he changed his MySpace status into "single". But this doesn't prove it for sure.

    Btw, thanks for the invite. :D

  5. So.. Matt and Gaia eventually broke up? :erm:

  6. Thanks a lot! :D And they taste good too! :happy:

    Don't worry, yours will look perfect! You're not as lame as I am. :p

    I made this version with the chocolate sauce because the ones with the cutting looked horrible. :facepalm: I recommend this one. ;)

  7. Hey! Take a look at my second try. :happy:






    What do you think? :D

  8. You're right! Doggy hair FTW! :awesome:

  9. We are so going to be blackmailed! :LOL:

  10. Me and pervy? It's Dom's fault! :supersad:

    You're welcome, tell me how they came out! (Hopefully better as mine. :LOL:)

    Yeah, can't wait! :awesome: It's going to be pwoper! :happy:

  11. Except it's up your nose. :LOL:

  12. When I read "I hope Muse don't get any.." I thought the sentence will follow like this "..pervy thoughts." :facepalm::LOL:

    Yeah, I got Muse's Khristmas pwesent! :awesome: This is like the best version of MK Ultra I've ever heard! Matt's "WOOOOOW!" made me scream the first time I heard it and then my grandma came in to ask what's wrong with me. :chuckle:

    Have you hear of that already? There will be apparently another MuseNight on Radio 1 the forthcoming Tuesday! :awesome:




    haha here you go, it's pretty easy (well, the recipe is. The logo-cutting takes bloody ages!!) :

    250g butter

    130g sugar

    a pinch of salt

    2 ts of vanilla sugar

    1 egg (white only)

    350g flour

    Mix all of these ingredients, put in the fridge for a little while. Then roll out the pastry very thinly (about 2mm), and cut out circles. To make the cutting of the Muse logo easier, put the circles in the freezer for a few minutes, so that it's firmer and less sticky! Cut out the Muse logo in a circle of greaseproof paper (like that http://www.servimg.com/image_preview...724&u=10020388) which you're gonna put onto your biscuits. With a knife, follow the stencil, and take out the letters. Keep one half of the biscuits plain.

    Cook them at 200° for about 7-9 min (when it starts getting brown). Spread a bit of jam on the plain biscuits, cover with the ones with the logo, and show off on the messageboards.




    And thanks again for voting for me! Dom will be pwoud if I win. :chuckle:

  13. Oh I forgot this. Would you like me to send you the recipe? :D

  14. Those elfs are so weird on the stage, they don't really belong there. I am not used to dancers at a Muse performance. :chuckle:

    Do you guys intend to do something special for Wembley? I read the French are preparing some things for Stade de France..

    Like I said: Muse are everywhere. :ninja: But I love to relate things to them, it's always so much fun! :D

    Actually, it doesn't feel like Christmas for me this year. I don't know why. Besides, all the snow has melted. :( Last week we had about -20°C and today morning we had +15°C! :eek: Bye bye white Xmas.. Btw, I have rewritten the song White Christmas a bit. It's in PDT style though. Nevertheless, if you want to read it, I can post it to you. :D How is it in London? Do you still have some snow there?

    Back to the topic.. Well, today I'm just enjoying the holidays and tomorrow I will eventually start with the learning. Should be fun. :rolleyes: How about you?



    (See? We haven't spoken for a few days and now I am bombing you with my silly stories and questions! :facepalm:)

  15. Hey! I made the Muse biscuits today. :facepalm:

    How did you manage to make them look so great? Mine look awful, but at least they taste good. :D Thanks for the recipe again, wish you a nice musey Christmas, have fun! :xmas:

  16. Ultra Merry Khristmas to you Tabina!! :D:D

    Thanks, I had quite an amazing day. (I tried to make those Muse biscuits, they look horrible, but at least they taste good :D) How was your day?

    Oh and thanks for voting for me, but why do I deserve it? Am I really that pervy? :eek::stunned:

    ...and I'll write back to you as soon as I can :)) xxxx
    *starts to sing* I'll be there as soon as I can, but I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before... You wrote that on purpose, didn't you? :LOL:


    P.S. - I sent you something on YouTube, you might take a look at it. ;)

  17. Hey Tintti! Wish you merry Christmas, have a nice day! :happy:

  18. Hey AM, wish you merry Christmas! :D

  19. Hi! Merry Christmas to you, have a nice week! :happy:

  20. Ultra Merry Khristmas to you! Hope you'll have nice holidays. :D

  21. Hey Kassy! Wish you a nice musey Christmas, have fun! :D

  22. Hello there! Wish you merry Khristmas! :happy:

  23. Hey Aurora, wish you a merry musey Christmas! :D

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