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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. The characters in your sig are limited, otherwise some people would write a bible. You can change the colour of the text with clicking on the option with the capital letter A and then pick one. Wait you confused me a little. I don't understand exactly what you mean that the comment is in your sig. Which comment do you mean? (don't worry, I have patience ;))

    Of course I can post them. Here you go.






    Actually it was a second try because I screwed up the first time. But I ate all of them already. :D What do you think?

  2. You're welcome! :D

    I'd like to do something for Chris in the forthcoming days too. Unfortunately I still don't know what exactly I want to send him. Btw, which Matt pic are you drawing?

    I don't know if they put everything in the scrapbook, don't you think it would be too much? And fans are sending similar things too, they can't put random stuff in it. I think the book's unlimited though. So, I assume most of it comes into it. When you send your contribution, do you have to write down your whole name? I mean your surname too?

    Your signature is great, I couldn't stop laughing at your "love" pic :LOL: Hmm so true. :D

    What part doesn't work on your avatar? Maybe I could help.

    Oh and thanks for joining my group! :happy:

  3. :LOL: Yeah, they probably listen to their songs every day going "Hell, I did so good in this song, have to listen to that bit again." They have all Muse albums on their iPods on shuffle. :chuckle:

    Anyway, have you already voted for them on NME's site? I voted Chris for hero of the year, Dom for best dressed + sexiest male and Matt for sexiest female. No, just kidding. :LOL:

    Invincible is good too! But seriously, I have no idea which one to choose. I'll let you know when I know for certain. ;)

    I use the facepalm and the awesome smiley often too! Besides those two I use this one as well: :stongue: Well, I need it in the PDT :facepalm:

    Btw, I found a funny article about Matt. The poor guy. :chuckle:


  4. Yeah, I imagine Matt going "Oh my god guys, this is our song!!" making the :awesome:-face *starts jumping around on the couch full of excitement* :LOL:

    I have no idea which song should I choose. *considers* City of Delusion or Hysteria maybe? Which one would you pick?

    Well, if you like to put up a pic.. :D Yours is going to be better than mine. :p

    I did? *goes to check* That's :awesome:! (I really love these smilies on the board, you can express everything with them :D)

  5. :LOL: :LOL: I had a laugh attack when I read your comment! I will watch it now too. @chrisfacts wrote once on Twitter that Chris thought Twilight was a comedy and laughed the entire time. :chuckle:

    I'm good, thanks for asking. I had a terrible nightmare last night though, but I'm better now. How about you?

    Well, I'm not that good at song re-writing either, I don't even know if I dare to send him my edit of it..

    lol the picture. :facepalm: It's not so great, the lights were awful because I took it in the evening. But I wanted to upload a pic of myself because it says that there supposed to be your own pic in that section. :p

  6. I didn't do anything special, I just hung around on the Messageboard like every day. :D

    This board is addicting. :shifty:

  7. Hey! Cheers for the invite! :D

  8. Hey! Cheers for the invite :D

  9. Hey! I found the link to the download. Well, it wasn't me actually, I had a little help :D


  10. I'm better now, thanks hun. :kiss:

  11. Well, you still have time to decide. If you think you can bear the pressure and stuff, then pick this direction. You shouldn't choose a job that's easy to study but later you won't have any joy doing it.

    :chuckle: I don't get it why we received a picture of apricot jam! Probably because of the Glasgow Jam with bagpipes. You got the whole present, the Jam was in another folder which didn't come with the e-mail from Muse. Some fans gave links on Twitter to it, that's how I know about it. (I'll try to dig it out for you)

    There's a thread about the scrapbook here. Matt and Dom already got one, now we have to make one for Chris too. You probably read that I'd like to send him a picture of my Muse biscuits and maybe re-write a song. I don't know for certain yet. I have to tell you one more time that your drawings are amazing, you can draw something for him. :happy: Here's the link to the thread:


    Oh you edit your undertitle like this: You go to the user control panel (you click "USER CP" which you have in the toolbar). But you can't change it now, only on the 1st of every month. If you visit it on the 1st, you see an option to change it. I don't know why is it so. Probably because people would change it too often.

  12. Well, I don't know much about the job, so you'll have to tell me.. What's your parents' opinion? Have you made any thoughts about another direction incase this doesn't work out very well? (sorry for the many questions)

    Hell, we should talk more about Muse on their messageboard. What do you think of their Khristmas pwesent? :D

  13. I'm good, thanks for asking! How about you? :D

  14. Ok, I'll do it! :D

    Which song would you choose to re-write? I'd choose IBTY because he said that it's his favourite song from The Resistance. Or maybe City of Delusion. In the Musechat interview he said that he enjoys the most playing this song live. (on the BHAR tour)

  15. Your idea doesn't sound so silly. I was thinking of re-writing a Muse song but that is stupid, I mean it doesn't suit to him. Ahh I have really no idea what I should do.

    Should I seriously send the pic of my biscuits? *considers* I think that would be quite :awesome:, but I have to think of a text too..

  16. No, I haven't thought of anything particular yet. I can't write "You're the best bass player in the world" because it sounds lame and almost everyone is going to write this. I have to think of something unique.

    Well, my drawing skills are rubbish, so I will probably write something. I'll let you know if I thought of anything sane. :D

    What about you? You can make some piece of art for him.. ;)

  17. I imagined people shouting "Shhh, we're trying to watch a film here!" whilst throwing popcorn at you. :chuckle:

  18. You're welcome! :D

    Aw don't worry, I can wait. Enjoy the film today! (and try not to scream when IBTY comes on :chuckle:)

  19. Holy sh-! I don't know which words to use.. The pics and paintings you made are beautiful! Seriously, you are so talented! :yesey:

    Is drawing just your hobby or do you get any requests from time to time?

  20. Hey Mica! Thanks again for following me on Twitter. :D

  21. Hey, cheers for the invite! :D

  22. Yup, you did! :D

    Go ahead, take a look around. :happy:

  23. I'm a member only for six weeks, but by now I understand how the board works. If you need some help, don't be afraid to ask. :D

    Well, I can send you a friend invite, but if you want to do it, I can write down how it works. You see the options under the left pic on my profile? Select "user lists" and then "add to friend's list". :D

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