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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Hey Frankie, wish you merry Christmas! :happy:

  2. Hello there! Wish you Ultra Merry Khristmas and nice holidays! :happy:

    Cheers xx

  3. Hey! I voted you for this year's Pornogenic Obsessed Muser. :chuckle: Good luck! :D

  4. They are beyond words! I don't understand how can a band be so amazing, breath-taking and perfect! Although so many fans have told them already they have no idea how fantastic they are. :cool:

  5. I have only known them since the beginning of 2008. My first song was "Starlight". I didn't even have to listen to the entire song, I immediately fell in love with them. :D

  6. I was? Aww thanks. :happy:

    So, how long have you been a fan?

  7. You're welcome! Thanks for accepting! :D

    Nice to be your first friend here on the board :happy:

  8. I just stopped by to say hello and then I saw Aurora's post. :facepalm: It seriously scared the hell out of me. :stunned: :stunned:

  9. Have you posted a PM with your name too? :p

  10. I am nominated? :facepalm::LOL: I don't know if I should be proud or embarrassed. I think I'm both. Btw, where can I see all those nominations for the Messageboard awards?

  11. :yesey::stongue: :stongue:

    I'm good, thanks. :D


  12. Hey! Sorry for the late reply, I was so busy with the PDT that I couldn't answer sooner. :p

    And I'm good. What about you?

  13. Hey Carla! I have something for you! I'm sure you're going to like it :D






    Well, I stole it from the PDT, so you'll see this pic again when you will be reading through the pages.

  14. You better never post them. It would be too much :chuckle:

    I'm already worried we'll get thrown off the Messageboard because of what we wrote. :ninja:

  15. Hello there, cheers for the invite :happy:

  16. Me too! Btw, the picspam is in the thread now :D

  17. I' will! We did a great job, didn't we? :awesome:

  18. Your facts always makes me laugh! Keep them coming :D

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