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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Yeah, I do. Although it took me a few days to figure it out :p

    You cannot change it now, only on the 1st of every month. You go to your control panel and then you'll see this option. I don't know why you can do that only once a month though.

    That's awesome, are you going to buy some tickets? Of course you are, what a silly question! Let me know if you got some, will you?

  2. That's a shame, hopefully the next time ;)

    What do you mean with personal heading?

  3. Hello there! :D






  4. Your parents don't allow you? That's quite annoying if you can't watch something you really want to.. Try to persuade them one more time ;)

  5. No, I don't play any instrument, but a few weeks ago I tried to play the guitar. It's not that easy, my fingers hurt after trying.

    It would be awesome to meet you at a Muse gig! It may be possible if you come to Milan. I'll cross my fingers for you ;)

  6. Tell me if you could manage to get some, will you? ;)

    Oh I can't imagine a day without Muse, their music is very important to me. It's my dream to see them live too, they are so perfect :D

    Yeah, the drums are awesome! Although the other drumkits confuse me sometimes because I'm used to Dom's left handed drums :p Do you play any other instruments?

  7. Thanks a lot for the pic, it's awesome! *saves* I love Matt's trousers on this one :awesome:

    Aw that's a shame that you can't go :( I hope that they'll make another concert in Italy too, there's no doubt I will be there! :D But you can still try to get some tickets for Milan when you have more money. Hopefully the gig won't be sold out very quickly..

    I'm a fan only since May last year, that's why some people might think I am not a real one.. But I can assure you, I love Muse with all my heart! :happy:

    Ohhh Matt's falsetto is beyond words! *-* How can someone have a voice like this? Yeah, poor Dommeh is getting old. But if you ask me, he doesn't even look like he's 32! If I didn't know him and you showed me a picture, I would say that he's about 26 or 27. They all look so young.







    Wish you a good morning too :D

  9. Hey! I thought I leave you this pic because you were complaining about your profile being almost empty and innocent ;)







  10. Hello, how are you? Sorry if I asked you this before, were you already on a Muse gig?

  11. Of course I am going to San Siro, I bought my tickets a few days ago. I must see Muse again, they are so brilliant! Are you coming too? I agree, Bologna was sooooo awesome! I couldn't believe I was standing in front of the musical geniouses of the century! It feels still unreal!

    I don't really have a favourite song, I love all their songs :D I have something like daily fav songs, today I can't stop listening to the piano version of Cave :awesome: The first song I heard from them was Starlight. What about you?

  12. Hey Ilaria! I'm Kristina and I'm from Slovenia. Awesome, you live in Bologna? I was actually there two weeks ago on Muse's concert. It was the best day of my life, were you there too?

  13. I'm good, thanks for asking! How about you? Just hanging around on the messageboard? :p

  14. Hey! Cheers for the invite :D

  15. Muse are not well known here either. That's why it always makes me very happy when I hear a song on the radio or other places :D

    I guess we should just spend some of our free time here on the Messageboard, here are a lot of Musers :happy: I'd say, we're like a big family.

  16. Hello! Wel, not much. Just hanging around on the Messageboard :D

    How about you?

  17. Sorry, but I don't exactly know what you mean by that..

  18. Haha, can't you get enough of it either? I watched it two weeks ago, I think it's time to take a look at it again.. Or maybe Hullabaloo. Well, we'll se :D

  19. Good luck! I really hope you can go, Muse's liveshows are beyond words :D

  20. Hey! So, how are you?

    Muse have released US dates for next year! Have you already bought one? ;)

  21. Hello! I like your avatar :D

  22. Oh that's you? Nice to meet you here :D

    I am on the Messageboard only a few weeks (first I had some difficulties by figuring out how it actually works), but I'm already addicted to it! Haha, time just flies while I'm online, last night I went to bed at 3:30 a.m.. :p

  23. Hey! Cheers for the invite :D

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