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Everything posted by Luigi.

  1. Happy Birthday! :party:

  2. Happy Birthday! :party:

  3. Happy Birthday! :party:

  4. Must be rewarding though at the end,seeing the finished product.

    There's actually a LOTR spoof that shows that.:chuckle:




    No problem.:happy:

    I wouldn't have minded DH Part 2 being three hours long.:shifty: It's the final film,so it should go out with a bigger bang.:chuckle:

    It would be nice also to see wizards in other countries in the HP universe.

    What's your favorite film of the HP series?

    Aw that sucks.A picture would be funny.:shifty: (Just joking :p)


    I'll try to get around to see it.Still hoping the Thing prequel doesn't disappoint.

    You're welcome,looks like it's going to be an amazing second season.


    Saturday is going to be a big day,Muse with RATM gig and also the We're Alive season finale.:awesome:

  5. Happy Birthday! :party:

  6. Happy Birthday! :party:

  7. Happy Birthday! :party:

  8. No problem.:happy:


    A lot of work for Peter Jackson and crew.:chuckle:

    Yay I was right.Also found this funny video today.




    Honestly Deathly Hallows part 2 could have been better if more things had been included.

    Rethinking it,Deathly 1 is the best in the movie series.

    Oh my bad,I didn't know that.:chuckle: Must have sucked having them removed.


    I think it won't get the same reaction as Cap America because he's been around since the 40s.

    Blade=BAMF. Haven't seen Insidious but I've heard it's pretty scary for a PG13 film.

  9. No problem,you're welcome.:happy:

  10. You're welcome.:happy:

  11. Happy Birthday! :party:

  12. Welcome back.:awesome:


    Right now they still have 200 days of shooting left,talking about a daunting task.:chuckle:

    Only famous line that I know from that film is the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,or maybe I'm thinking of something else.:chuckle:



    I've seen it twice too.:shifty:. I found kid Snape to be a bit creepy.:chuckle:.Yeah you could see Snape's love for Lily.It really showed how much of a tragic character Snape was.The Molly/Bellatrix bothered me more the second time,wish it wouldn't had been rushed like it was.I didn't see Teddy either.Also found this funny video in the HP thread.:LOL:




    Nolan will do justice to Bane,unlike his previous film version.I saw Cap America,great film,one of the best Marvel films in my opinion.

    Cap Canuck? Interesting.:chuckle:

  13. Happy Birthday! :party:

  14. Happy Birthday! :party:

  15. You're welcome.:happy:

  16. Happy Birthday! :party:

  17. Happy Birthday! :party:

  18. Gizmo is a short badass.:cool:

    Peter Jackson is evil by teasing us with these pictures and production videos.:LOL:

    I'm going to watch it then.I'm also interested in seeing if the original Spock is really as cool as people say he is.:chuckle:


    It was a brilliant film,easily the best one out of the series.


    Snape's death was more brutal than I expecting it to be.Snape's memories was the best part of the film for me easily.Mcgonagall was a bad ass in the film,shame she didn't get to fight other death eaters.I have to admit though,the epilogue made me laugh because of how the characters looked.:shifty: Also I noticed how they didn't even show when Percy arrived at the school.:chuckle: When they brought back Harry's body to the school,I saw Percy in the crowd and was like "when did he arrive?".:chuckle:



    That is true,so Kelly may turn out to be the mole after all.


    I find it weird that the Dark Knight Rises trailer hasn't been officially posted on the internet yet.Seeing Batman backing away from Bane is awesome.

    That sucks that other people hate it.Have people said why they hate it?

    You're welcome.

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