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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. :awesome:


    Sorry. I'm feeling a bit vunerable. :$

  2. What!? :supersad:

    What's implied?:unsure:

  3. You absused the muse. I'm giving you another chance. :LOL:

  4. Night!


    Ps. I always knew wrestling was fake which is the main reason it pisses me off. :LOL:

  5. What's the Holiday Havoc Dvd?:unsure:

  6. Oh okay. :LOL:

    Still 1 test cricket match is 5 days, and half the time with no winner. :LOL: maybe thats part of the attraction:erm:



  7. :LOL:

    Gah have you seen that wrestling crap? I HATE it. :mad:


    It's probly more boring. If you ever want to watch it, watch T20 (twenty twenty) first. It's a shortened more glamorous version and only lasts about 3 hours.


    We do, but not professionally. They probly can't do roofed stadiums for the times it actually gets hit OUT of the stadium.

  8. Apparantly you go to a hockey game to see a fight, and if your lucky there might be some hockey. :LOL: thats what an American friend said anyway :erm:


    No, I only played until I was bout 7 :LOL:


    Cricket is an extremely interesting sport that takes years to understand. :phu: every game you learn something new :awesome:

    It does get frustrating though because it's so technical that if it rains they have to stop playing, and that can almost end a game.

  9. Did you know that before games coaches tell the commentators what moves they are going to play so the commentators can get it right!:LOL:


    I used to play T-Ball :$


    Not many do, you go on the days you want, but if your like me you watch most of the 5 days on TV

  10. Gah, Gridiron is worse. :LOL: they actually stop games FOR FEKKING COMMERCIALS. :LOL:


    It's not :phu: I used to play it.



  11. Baseball is quite long right? We play softball here, 5 or more time world champs!:awesome:


    Cricket can go 5 days, end in draw and still be awesome. :LOL:

  12. Cause it's Canadia! :awesome:


    Lineouts. They throw it down the middle and they try to catch it.

    Rugby should be a simple game but there are SOO many rules.

    Well crickets worse, but cricket it good!:p

  13. Royal Canadian Blended


    Yes:$ I don't like it very much though. :LOL:

  14. Ahh yeah, Karma is one of the few things I have faith in.


    :p Candia!


    Well I haven't a clue about hockey so this topic is pointless :p

  15. What do you mean Karma is a bitch? :unsure:


    Well thats a pretty big deal in Canadia (sorry :p) innit?

  16. Well he's still friends with us, and at a party last week their didn't seem to be any hate between them, they were polite, laughed in the right places. Ya know...



  17. Yeah, thats pretty fucked up when you'd do that.

    My mums friend had been going out with her bf before they decided to get married, and they broke up 1 week before the wedding. Turns out he had been sleeping with people from dating sites and has been having real relationships with at least 3 :eek:

    He has a sex addiction and is seeing a psychiatrist(sp?) now.

    It kinda worries me a bit cause he was like a second father to me :(

  18. Wow. That really sucks :(

    How long ago did that happen?

  19. sure. Got nothing better to do :happy:

  20. :chuckle:

    Yeah I'm not going to inflict my problems onto you so...

  21. Oh okay, good then :happy:

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