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Status Updates posted by Riveon

  1. Blegh, would have been convenient if they did it a month later.

  2. Yeah true haha, the Radiohead thread's usually the extent of our overlap. And that's good to know as I think I mainly just rehash the same posts about Muse and other bands. :LOL:


    Oh so why the move, different campus or something? And what are you studying again? (I've probably seen in the uni thread but I don't remember)

    Well I just finished school forever except for exams, so I'm similarly freaking out over the next two weeks, but over them. :indiff: But then I see Radiohead two days after my last one so it's all good. :happy:

  3. Haha certainly random, is it sad I assumed before I saw it that the post on my profile would be a spam message?

    What's up? I don't think I've ever had a proper conversation with you.

  4. Sweet, I'll see what I can do then :awesome:

  5. Not a bad idea...except I doubt I could afford the BDO atm :(

  6. Happy birthday! :D

  7. Nah, I wish.

  8. Stockholm Syndrome + School riff + Riff Ruckus + Ashamed riff + Agitated + War Within a Breath riff + Negative Creep riff + Dead Star riff + Endless Nameless riff

  9. Happy birthday! :D

    Edit: With this edit, my message is no longer identical to Gigapoodle's.

  10. Thanks for the friend request. :D

  11. Since I missed end of the thread ;)...

    Highs: Overture winning (I was initially positive MK Ultra would win), Guiding Light getting eliminated quickly, solid top 4.

    Lows: United States of Eurasia not coming second, Undisclosed Desires not doing better, Resistance not coming second last and my opinion changing every two days.

    And I must say, the Haarp Elimination thread gave me a new level of appreciation moderating skills. :chuckle:

  12. :D Hey, thanks for the request
  13. Well it was in the rules, which you should have read, but that comment was excessively harsh, so ignore the insults.

  14. Nice avatar (if it's what I think it is)

  15. Hey, thanks for the add. :D

  16. Near Warnambool I think..I'm paranoid about missing Muse announcing sideshows while I'm away so I told my brother to check their twitter everyday :facepalm:

  17. Haha, my little nephew does the same thing.

    I'm alright, doing pretty much nothing, lol. Going on a holiday for a week though...

  18. Hey, thanks for the request :D

    How's it going?

  19. You are on Bethesda forums too then. Why did I bother searching you ask? I don't know. Probably because I was bored.

  20. Hey, what's up? :happy:

    I take it you're 1 quintillion on the prediction bracket?

  21. :LOL: I see your comments on every new person's page
  22. Thanks for the request btw, lol

  23. Pretty good actually, first day of holidays, and I'm using the opportunity to just listen to The Resistance on the stereo. You?

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