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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. OMG those are a hoot! Thanks! :D

  2. Well, tbh I wasn't really looking too much at people in the crowd! :chuckle: I was lucky enough to be right at the barrier, so that was really amazing! Maybe I'll be lucky again and be able to go to a fall show if they announce any kind of near me.

  3. :awesome: It was the most amazing gig ever! Were you in the GA line? I wonder if I saw you...
  4. Yeah, I'm pretty much normal now. Well, as far as that goes anyway! I am trying not to get my hopes up about US dates. I'm assuming they won't come to Atlanta again, so that means I'll have to travel. Who knows, by then I might have a job and won't be able to leave town. The chances of a gig I can go to being on the weekend are slim. But you never know.... I'm terrified of hwy. driving, but Nat already said she's pick me up on the way to Tampa! :awesome: I seriously might take her up on that. Damn that's a long drive. I can't imagine anyone driving from TX to FL even for Muse! That's why there's airplanes!!

  5. Awww, sleepy Matt is freaking adorable!


    Every time I check Matt's MS page, he's deleted more people!

  6. I'm confused.... Got a PM from Nat about that. Were they really on there? I tried to go back and find out what was going on, but it was just too much! I had real life stuff going on today, so I haven't been on here much.

  7. I just finished following the gig! Oh, I hope you had the best time possible! Can't wait to hear about it. Oh, and they didn't really play Popcorn, did they? :shifty:



  8. OMG OMG OMG! Tomorrow's the day! Are you at your sister's yet? BTW, does she think you're weird because of your preoccupation with a band? You must be soooooo excited! :awesome:

  9. Regarding one of your posts last night in the PMT. Didn't want you to get the wrong idea! :)



  10. Hey, I don't even have a colon, lol! So I know you can handle it. It was easy as pie and I don't know why I even worried about it. And really, it's quite possible you'll be able to take a break before SSPU and get your spot back. I guess I told myself that the worst thing that could happen is that I might have to leave in the middle to pee. If that happens, when you come back, you might not be as close, but you'd still be able to find a decent spot. But really, you won't regret this. I'm so glad I went for it. :D

  11. Hey Cindy! I know you like some of the same bands as me (PT, Biffy, etc...saw your post after mine on "Top 3 Fave Bands"). Are you familiar with Amplifier? I found out about them on this board and just got their first cd. It's really, really good! :\mm/: You might like them 'cause you're a mom who likes to rawk! :Dhttp://www.last.fm/music/amplifier I was just listening to it and thought I'm mention it. :)


    I'm seeing PT in April :D, but right now I'm battling PMS (Post Muse Syndrome)...



  12. Did your GA ticket come?? :)

  13. I know, busted. I just can't keep away. But I'm not following it; just popping in and out. I guess there will be no major surprises on this tour. Supposedly they're going to the Tampa area in the fall. Matt told some FL fan that who won a FL radio giveaway and met them at the ATL show. So maybe there will be even more US shows! Maybe I'll go to another one. :ninja:

  14. Could be. The VA thread was not very active. The atlanta thread is probably close to 4,000 posts by now. But Chicago's a huge city! I'm guessing MSG is gonna be insane.

  15. How early can you leave? Or how long will it take to get there? If you can get there by 10, I'm almost certain you can get barrier. I guess it really depends though. By noon in Atl. there were about 100 people, but in VA there were still only 85 in line at 3:00. So go figure....

  16. You mean morning rush hour? Do you know what the parking is like? Hopefully you'll be able to bring a bunch of comfort items and then put them in your car later on. Make friends in line. It's easy! Esp. if you bring cookies. :chuckle: They can either go to the loo w/ you, or hold your spot. It was like one big party in ATL. Of course I was only there for a little over 2 hours before I got my magic wristband.

  17. OMG OMG OMG! I really don't think you'll regret it if you have the time to line up early. :D I'm sure you can sell your seat, esp. if you're in line all day! Yay! I really don't think you'll regret it. I just repeated myself, lol.

  18. Oh! I thought we already were.. but then it was weird because I know I've left you messages before, and then I tried to reply to your previous one but couldn't for some reason....:unsure: Yes, the gig was incredible. :awesome: I'm still having trouble getting back into real life. Muse is like a drug. It was so surreal being there. Just like I imagined it. :) I hope you will get to see them some day! I will be waiting another 3 years probably before I get another opportunity.


    Have a good week! :)

  19. Well, here's my main recap post from the ATL thread: http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=7431375&postcount=3843 To add to that, I got to hit a balloon, so that was fun! Regarding peeing, I went at 5:15 and immediately felt like I had to go again. I was with Ella on the barrier and she was in the same boat as me, so we talked to those around us and decided to risk going to pee. Came back, got our spot (this was 6:30ish) and didn't go again until around 12:45! The people in the crowd around us were really nice. As I suspected, I was basically unaware of my body for the whole gig, and after, for that matter. It was the best, it really was. :yesey:


    Oh, and I posted a link to my PB on PMT and my boat. Got some really good pics, def. PMT-worthy. :D


    Haven't listened to the radio thing yet, but I'm gonna download it.

  20. I got there right at 9 and there were about 15-20 people. Everyone was so nice! I owned that line with my cookies. :chuckle: Luckily we got the wristbands so we could leave. Guess you read about that? Awesomest night! :awesome::D:happy::dance:


    Oh, and I had no trouble getting barrier. Everyone was very orderly. The venue staff were amazing.

  21. Hi Nicole! The gig was amazing! I won't go into detail if you don't want to have spoilers. I had no problem with GA at all! Physically I felt great and I didn't get smushed. So if you still have the option to get GA, go for it. I didn't even notice my body, really... Fucking amazing night. Hung out with Natalia a lot. So fun! She was my stalking buddy. But we didn't get anywhere....

  22. Hey, I just wanted to thank you for chasing Natalia and me down this morning in line to tell us about the wristbands! If it weren't for that and the fact that we ran into Church, we probably would've missed out! :D

  23. Well, there's certainly less smoking in general than there used to be, even 10 years ago. When I was in college TONS of people smoked. But these days, if these boards are anything to judge by, it seems many teens think it's gross. Some still think it's cool I guess, but the majority of the people posting about that damn video seem repulsed by it. I really can't believe it's causing such a discussion, tbh. And there's no way I think Matt's a regular smoker. :noey: And not just because I'm in denial....


    And like I said on the thread, I can't understand why people are even being allowed to talk about it without being bullied to death. No one is allowed to complain about Chris smoking. I hate the double standard on this forum sometimes.

  24. Oh, you mean your little laundry comment? :eyebrows::LOL:


    The doggie is fine, except for the fact that he gets car sick and we can't go anywhere with him! I'm working on a strategy. Oh, and for some reason he pooped in the house twice yesterday and peed in the house twice today! WTF!!! :wtf: He's regressing! He hadn't pulled this crap (punintended) until just the last couple of days. Ugh.... Well, he's so cute I can't stay mad at him. :happy: But the little mutt needs some training, if we can get him to doggy school without him puking in my car!!!

  25. Why is your mom being a pill about your tickets? I can't believe you might not be going!

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