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Status Updates posted by Ahkmed

  1. Love your avatar and username. The Beatles are my love as well. :happy:

  2. Oh Fin! Of course :awesome: I would normally be cheap and vote for myself if that's possible but I wasnt even on the list. Maybe I should display my age? :LOL: Or be more interesting. :shifty:

  3. Oh I'm good. I was sick with a cold for a couple of days and I had the stomach flu a week ago. I hate winter sicknesses. They're everywhere! But winter is my favourite time of year still. :happy: It's really hot here during summer but it's all worth it for the awesome winters we have. :awesome:

  4. Hey, what's up? I love your username. :happy:

  5. Ah it's been good. Got tickets to see Muse in Phoenix. How have you been? Your daughter is adorable btw. :happy:

  6. Yeah the dvd's are pretty expensive. Plus we got most of the episodes already. :awesome: I want to make a Spongebob cake in my lifetime though. I will!

  7. Yeah the earlier episodes are the best. It's gotten kind of strange. :erm: But my entire family loves it. We have all the seasons on dvd.

  8. :awesome: I'm a hardcore fan of spongebob. Most people know this because of my sig. :chuckle:
  9. I love your avy :LOL: And I think your undertitle happens to be a reference from Spongebob..am I right? :awesome:

  10. I'm great :D I've been so tired lately it's ridiculous. I'm getting enough sleep. but I feel like I could continue to sleep and never wake up. :chuckle:

  11. Hey Suvi, how are you? :D

  12. Congrats Mel on making it another year. :awesome::party: Now it's time to party. :dance:

  13. Woo! :awesome: Thanks for accepting my invite.

  14. Yeah it took a while to grow on me...its so different but I still like it. And you're right, OoS is still my favourite too! :) We are going to the beach today yay! We come up to California a lot, you're lucky to live here. Dance is great! I'm going to a feis this weekend up here in california

  15. Hey how are you? Do you like the new album? Oh and im on vacation in your area, hehe. I've been wearing my Muse shirts hoping I'll run into a Muse fan up here. ;)

  16. It is, thanks :) so, how do you like the new album? It's very different from their other albums but I still love it.

  17. Hello! thanks for the invite. How are you?

  18. Yeah I love USoE so far! Very excited to hear it all the way through. Sounds like it will be great live too! It's ok I've been really busy too. It's ridiculous. Yeah It's amazing to see how many different places are represented here. Muse fans from around the world!

  19. Yeah. The community is getting a lot bigger. And all of the steps seem to get harder and harder too! Ok! I'll have a look at your dress again. I think there's a few people who might want a new one! I just got a new one not too long ago and I dont think my parents plan on spending that much money for a while. lol its ridiculous!

  20. Wow, you got to have her as your private teacher? That's amazing. I love to watch her dance. I just don't understand how someone can be that good..hehe. Do you know Ellie maguire? She won worlds 3 times. She is my teacher's sister. She comes and teaches a class here every so often. Her dancing reminds me of Maggie a little bit.

  21. Yeah :supersad: I was so hoping it would make it! It's one of my favourite songs ever.

  22. Too bad Bliss didnt make it, eh? :(

  23. Yeah. I was lucky enough to see her dance at the oireachtas. She's brilliant. You go to the same school as her :)

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