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Status Updates posted by Ahkmed

  1. Hehe yeah it's quite expensive. I'm the only one that does it in my family so that's a plus! I went to the western reigon oireachtas too. :) I took 28th it was my first oireachtas though! But that's so awesome that you got 10th Yeah it's funny how much listening to music can change your mood. I always listen to Muse and think "I'm gonna go up there and do it! AHHRG" lol I dance with the Maguire Academy in Arizona.

  2. Thanks for adding me :D How are you?

  3. That is so cool! That's amazing to qualify for worlds! I went to my first Nationals and I didnt recall. I wasnt expecting to :( But I've only been dancing for 3 years so I'm not gonna quit. :) Ah the Claddagh school! They have some great dancers. You should start up again! Then we can meet each other at feisanna hehe. I always listen to butterflies and hurricanes before I dance. It makes me all pumped up and ready! Anyways that's so awesome, I never thought I would find another irish dancer. Nice meeting you. ;)

  4. Sorry for bothering you but I noticed you had some irish dancing pictures in your album. Do you do irish dancing?! If you do..that's totally awesome! What school do you dance with? And did you go to the Nationals in Nashville? I was there. Anyways, it's just very cool to find another Irish dancer, doesnt happen quite often. :awesome:

  5. Yeah I saw a couple on here that were from Arizona too..I thought I was all alone! Most people I know are afraid of flying. I'm fine with it...most of the time. I just got back today...it's so nice to be back home. What's even better is to come back to some more Muse news! I love the new title-tracks. Anyways, what are you up to?

  6. Aw thanks! Sorry I've been off for forever. how are you?

  7. Sorry once again I've been off for a while ! Yes! It IS coming! I'm so excited they announced the release date. :D Home? I live in the states. Arizona. :) Hope you have a safe trip back home.

  8. I noticed your avatar and I just have to say that it's basically one of the best avatars ever. :awesome:

  9. Hehe thanks! =) I'm back home but I'm still having an excellent time with all of this Muse news! =) It's making me very excited ! How are you?

  10. Hey sorry I havent replied! I was real busy and then out of town for a lil bit. How are you? :happy:

  11. Oh no problem! I've been off for a while as well so no worries! Yeah I should be asleep instead of being on here. :$ Oh well! It's too awesome here :awesome:

  12. You have great taste in music as well...hehe ;) Oh I know...I've been spending too much time on here as well. Seriously..it's kind of sad lol. I'm not up to much just listening to music and posting stuff here :) how about you?

  13. I totally agree! That song is so beautiful. :yesey: I just love the way it builds up to the solo and of course the lyrics are brilliant! :happy: Anyways how are you?

  14. Aw thanks! =D Yes I LOVE invincible. Don't know why other people don't, I think it's a beautiful song. Then again all of their songs are pretty much brilliant!

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