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Status Updates posted by Ahkmed

  1. Btw, where did you get your profile picture from? Did you make it or is from that popey thread? I want one of me :supersad:

  2. Of course you are deary. :shifty: Anyways, I don't know what I'm going to do. I get so bored on the weekends that I always go on here but now that I can't go to the Banter section I'm just stuck looking at the PMT thread. :LOL:

  3. :LOL: Why don't you tell that to them. If only... :( We are very religious though, so we try and stay away from certain kind of stuff. Oh gosh, it sounds so hard to explain. It's very complicated, but it's not like we're part of a cult or something. :LOL: Anyways, maybe they'll let me back into YMT for a little bit if I promise to keep it clean. :indiff: My mom saw the loveboat you made me and the quote about you shagging me and she was all ":wtf: Who is this? How do they know you?"
  4. :'( I'm seriously so sad about it. I mean, I understand why they did it because my attitude was changing ever since I started posting on the boards. :indiff: But that was my fault not you guys. They just say that they are afraid of me talking to people I don't know and sharing personal information. They don't like the cussing either. :facepalm:

  5. I'm not allowed to go into Banter anymore. :supersad: My parents were worried about how much time I was spending on there and then they got upset when they found out I posted a picture of myself. I know it sounds kind of cheesy and stuff, but they are very careful about that stuff, not that their "weird" or anything, they just didn't want me going on there for a little while. :'( I miss you guys.

  6. Well hai there. :happy: How are you?

  7. I soo would be one! I'm all into that kind of stuff. :chuckle:

  8. Definitely. They're so happy. :chuckle:

  9. Oh yeah, totally bad ass. :LOL: I am the Walrus is so trippy, that shirt reminds me of that whole era.

  10. :supersad: DO WANT! Especially the second one. Love getting new t-shirts. :awesome:
  11. Oh yeah :awesome: My friend has a t-shirt that has they're faces on it in four different colors and then the logo. It's so amazing, I'm incredibly jealous. :LOL:

  12. oh, and I keep reading your undertitle as "I fucking love children" :facepalm:

  13. Oh ok, I was just wondering. Don't be sad. :kiss: I want a beatles t-shirt :supersad: I love them <3 :happy:

  14. Love your avatar :happy: Is it you? :erm:

  15. No not really :LOL: I just don't think we've met yet. I'm Kayley. :happy:

  16. I love your avy. :) Blue hair matt = :awesome:

  17. Thanks! you too. hope 2010 is better than 2009 was. :LOL:

  18. Cool :happy: They were all fabulous! So how are you?

  19. Oh man. Probably John. :awesome: He was so awesome. :( How about you?

  20. Oh gosh, I don't think I could choose. :erm: I REALLY love Octopus's Garden, In My Life, Hey Jude, Yesterday, and Blackbird. But I don't think I could honestly choose one of those.

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