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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Well there was also Dead Star from last tour that was just completely out of nowhere.
  2. I really liked the scenes from The Road. It makes me more disappointed it was only 5 minutes. I good 20-30 minute documentary on what really goes on behind the scenes to deliver the standard Muse show would've been great.
  3. You never know with this place.
  4. Pretty sure we already have this thread somewhere that's why.
  5. I'm not really an expert but I'll try to answer these anyways. I'm watching the Rome video so I'll keep it short. It's only Explorers anyways. From what I've heard 1. It was said there was a Muse in their town cause of all the bands 2. They heard the name from a teacher or something and liked it. 3. It was short, memorable, and looked nice on posters and promotional material The most official are the booklets, but those are riddled with inaccuracies so there is no 100% accurate place. Even Bellamy forgets his own lyrics. He has other interests like any other person. He likes to read theories and stuff. I don't know. They might as space travel is getting cheaper and they like this kind of stuff. Lady Gaga will probably get there first. Tour funding, charities, and midget snorting parties. I don't really have an input on this. Self Doubt and Syphilis. It'll be about declining society and state of humanity told in the form of love songs. Probably a bit of both. He's definitely more outgoing now in most things he does but he still seems to avoid the big fame and I do think he still has a sense of humbleness. Kinda. I believe he mentioned the theory that life came to earth by alien means as inspiration. The world is shit so people decide to leave the planet for a new home. Chaos probably ensues. Once they leave humans realize it was their own fault for destroying the world and it's only up to them to "start over" or the same will happen wherever they go. I'd like to see them make it more symphonic than Matt Bellamy feat. strings. Something like Isolated System, or the slow IS seen in the making-of. I don't know. Probably mental states are quite an interest for him. He seems to have a thing towards the theme of desire to extreme levels (Hysteria, Bliss,...). Older albums being a bit darker in that sense. I don't think he's as paranoid as he was a few years ago but he definitely had some beliefs in conspiracy. Fabri.
  6. This also explains why he's trying to grow facial hair. He doesn't want Matt recognizing him and cancelling the gig on the spot.
  7. This would have been a million times better if it was made in Blingee
  8. People said the same thing when HD was being introduced.
  9. Wondering that too. Unless he got a special authoring he just paid for the most expensive upscaler ever.
  10. Take A Bow. B&H in both so that's constant. Glorious cause Glorious. Exo 2 would probably be better than Exo 3. Bliss would be great. So would Micro Cuts. RBS I think looks better than Megalomania but I haven't seen either. And then Dead Star and Space Dementia. But Assassin would be a hard one to give up.
  11. LA Rising was rumoured to return next year from what I've heard. Might be possible.
  12. I can't think of another option. But at least it wouldn't be as expensive and actually in the summer ;_; Also lol they mentioned two albums that were in your most hated of the year.
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