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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I'm just going to be that guy who types in the default font size.
  2. T2L tour was really the only time they cut back the piano section. Resistance tour arenas were 2 songs throughout and only the first part of the first European leg actually had a standing chance to get something other than USOE+Feeling Good.
  3. I was just reading about that movie, wanting to watch it again cause I really loved it when I was younger. This is a coincidence I support.
  4. Not really muting but Radiohead famously lost their pre-IR stuff to EMI. I somehow doubt Warner will go on a big rampage to their account unless they get a similarly bad deal. It is possible still though.
  5. They can if Muse don't get the proper rights with them.
  6. That would be why it's their flag.
  7. Because last time this was attempted it didn't go well.
  8. I think the safest plan is to just move to Japan to catch all the future rarity performances.
  9. It sounds kinda Musey, but not sure what to think. Does seem like a label though. This part I'm interested in.
  10. Well I haven't heard the clip so I can't judge yet but getting flashbacks of the fake leaked songs from last era.
  11. Oh god have we begun with this now?
  12. Get a single truck and learn to optimize. Multiple trip if you really have no other cars to go with you. Then for movers just go to the Home Depot parking lot.
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