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Everything posted by kueller

  1. This of course assumes the medley won't be gutted for the US or something.
  2. I feel similar. I'd prefer just getting two of those but in the US I'd be fortunate to even get that so some tastes I think ends up being a net gain.
  3. I ran it. I let it close because the attendance was very low as the tour went on. The subreddit had its own live chat as well as the Discord which seems to now be a lot nicer for people than IRC.
  4. Something Human looks cool with Chris having two basses and Dom an array of electronic drum heads. They can put that kinda effort to bring a song truly live but yet Matt still won't pick up a guitar for Starlight.
  5. And that's not even necessarily the correct way to describe the divide. I think that would depend. I had a decent course on US history even if there's still a lot I would add. Also certainly knew about the Final Solution.
  6. I made this complete shitpost of a thread knowing the board would respond in seriousness and pull out some of the best takes and you all have not disappointed. Thank you.
  7. Thank you for linking the slang definition of "dick rider" if you didn't I elaborate I would have thought you meant it literally (which would unfortunately not be an accurate description of me).
  8. Almost every album Origin onwards has a little bit of it I'd say I just think BH&R is the biggest example.
  9. Stuff on BH&R has a lot of sounds similar to progressive rock even if the music itself doesn't really meet the criteria. Shallow or not it's there.
  10. My new favorite of the album now that the release excitement has settled.
  11. The assumption that if Muse play good but rare songs the audience will be into it anyways should have died during The 2nd Law era but still carries on and fuels some of those demands. Now, how we got there, how much of that is the band's fault, and whether it should be considered a "fault" at all is another discussion.
  12. Not really in the mood to derail the thread arguing that post but noticing the trends of their actual music is different that delving into motivations and implying that they are "willfully refusing to even try". It's a very loaded implication to have only one quote in retrospect as backup. And riding off the tails of a larger band you look up to is like the very crux of growing audience as a band.
  13. Like I care about a review but the profound thing I haven't seen much else outside the fanbase was how they've been trying to "remake" The Resistance since it was released. It's not really said explicitly here but it is in so many factors, like how every album since then has this cheesy fight song, the general unfulfilling mixing of influences post-BH&R, and to me the biggest: how live performance evolution largely stopped towards the end of the BH&R era. I think it means something a reviewer not really that into Muse could see it. It feels like a much more defensible, if not rather accurate, description of Muse's last few albums. A nice alternative to the Sputnik review that started off with the self-amittedly baseless accusation that Muse intentionally make shitty pop songs to appeal to the masses inspired from their Twilight success. I don't know how that just slipped by everyone who called it fair.
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