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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Reminder I did this a long time ago and always thought it would make for a nice heavy section. I also forgot Dead Cuts cut the solo because of this. [YT] [/YT]
  2. Yeah for sure. Algorithm, Dark Side, maybe even Pressure and Something Human (I grown to love this one personally) I'm really enjoying in more immediacy than work from the past record. Others might grow on me (The Void certainly so), so I'm pleased enough. But Algorithm being the only strong impression I hadn't heard before was disappointing as a first listen.
  3. If they ever play in Peru for the first damn time in their career I could try that. I'd have people to stay with.
  4. Haha, getting tickets for an American leg before having any good idea of what the tour or set will be like. You're not fooling me again Muse.
  5. Also I'll say I've had more fun on /r/muse's Discord. Given its the same community largely it shows how much the platform plays into it for me. Plus it's more like casual chat where I can leave the more in depth discussion to the forum.
  6. It's good and all to move away from slurs but it is just kinda an internet colloquialism in many ways detached from original intent it's something I'd let fly. To actually respond to the post, the long term discussion is something I like. Reddit can get too rapid. And I suppose, if you come from Reddit, seeing everyone list their gigs, the songs they've seen, all the special concerts they go to, it looks more like a brag when there's nothing close to that self-labeling in your own community. And yeah Reddit is more casual filled and noob filled but that happens when you're the main place to go to.
  7. Yeah ultimately it's hard to really hate the place that contains the largest current community of the fanbase, since at some point it becomes too hard to generalize. I just don't like the website itself. I've had enough of the former Muse/Non-Muse internal war to suddenly wage one on an external place. I once did see a comment saying the board felt like more about humble-bragging (or maybe not so humbly) about the gigs you've been too and that is probably the most fair reason I've seen for someone to avoid this place.
  8. There is a bit of an aging sense. Non-Muse especially has aged quite literally and are resultingly peaceful. But there was some immediate influences of things. Like an example when Tjet started really going on about subjectivity after a few months I'd see other users using the same defense, and I'd not seen that before. I like it. I was never into the elitism or super negativity. I just wish there were more people.
  9. Honestly, people have balanced out a lot more. Maybe some of it is people getting older but another was a general calming by some regulars that influenced others. But before there was plenty of the content people deride Reddit for having, some of it being because those people went there from here.
  10. So glad to see those back. I still don't know how much of this will be on the main tour.
  11. The interface is kinda what I think influences the communities in ways I dislike. Voting systems always end up encouraging posts that aim for the discrete numerical response instead of quality of the resulting thread. Also the usenet style is very impersonal where the forum has more personality. They have good resources though, since they're now the biggest community.
  12. Still counting on a repeat of the Drones show but "intimate set" has me intrigued.
  13. I wish they could have heard after that interview how generally satisfied people were during The 2nd Law era. That was the same conundrum of multiple albums and a mostly casual audience but whatever they did seemed to work at pleasing the hardcore fans. Or who knows, maybe from their perspective it didn't work for everyone.
  14. So I've seen the whole "Muse are a pop band Actually" take since I've joined this board but it was just always... strange. I consider rock to be kinda a subset of pop and the difference between the two vague but I find it hard to not consider most of Muse to fall under rock. I guess I would just like to hear from those that disagree what definition of rock they have that would exclude most of Muse but include someone like, say, Elvis.
  15. And I don't know why structure is such an important factor when the vast majority of rock music has the same basic structures.
  16. What definition of rock do you have that wouldn't include Stockholm, Hysteria, The Small Print, TOADOA, and arguably even TIRO and SfA (as a ballad)? This is most of the album.
  17. If it's like the one for Drones it will be nothing special outside the size since it's promotional.
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