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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. hahaha! Thanx! lol... i hate that shirt!






    those are only a few, but they're the best ones... the others are kinda crappy!

  2. it just always is! perhaps we just have rubbish pilots round here!

    thanx 4 the wallpaper! i've made a few... they're not as good as yours! I'd like to show them to you but i dunno how put them on a message like this... technology and me LITERALLY repel each other!! How do you do it? coz... what 'http//' do i put on there?

    i hate computers...


    know what you mean bout the lyrics - i love them! it's one of those things that you always knew was true, but no one was gunna believe you unless it came from a... a higher source... like Matt Bellamy!

  3. that'll hurt more!!!

  4. It hurts to type!!!!

  5. uh huh...

    ah sh*t... i've got guitar lesson at 4 and i already pissed up my fingers coz i was playin from 11:15 to 13:45... ow ow ow!

  6. no... it's a way of saying she's a pig coz she told me tht story when i told her i don't like scary stories!

  7. hahahahahahaha! even without my retarded cousin's scary stories! lol

  8. hahahahahaha! oh i've scared myself now...

  9. I know... i'm just a weirdo... but u already knew tht...

  10. oh god, i'v gone all jittery now! it's from tht blessed story! *shudder*

  11. mb i could drag her by her hair... or get her drunk...

  12. well praps... but she doesn't like singing...

  13. Don't tell me that didn't scare you! i was shitting myself just typing it! The unspoken assumption is that the murderer is still curled up under her bed...

    It probably scares me more coz wen we were burgalled (can't spell), they turned the whole ground floor upside-down without a single one of us hearing a thing. I suppose that experience tells me that it's possible for that to happen...

  14. hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    This will scare shitless, but i'll tell u tht stary tht my cousin told me tht kept me up all night - it's what made me think of the murderer thing.


    There was a young girl, of about our age. Her Mum and Dad left on her own in the house.

    "Make sure you lock the doors and shut the windows." They told her.

    That night she locked the doors and shut the windows. She lay in her bed, with her dog at her side, and fell asleep.

    She woke up to the sound of dripping. She reached down towards her dog and he licked her hand; to tell her that she was alright. She relaxed and fell straight back to sleep again.

    She woke up to the sound of dripping again. She reached down towards her dog and he licked her hand; to tell her that she was alright. She relaxed and fell back to sleep again.

    She woke up to the sound of dripping yet again. She reached down towards her dog and he licked her hand; to tell her that she was alright. She wasn't convinced.

    She crept downstaris and checked every room in the house with a tap or any other form of waterworks in it. She checked the kitchen. Nothing was amiss. She checked the upstairs bathroom. Nothing was amiss. She checked the downstairs bathroom. And screamed.

    Her beloved puppy was hanging by the neck... turning around and around slowly...

    On the wall was written, in the dog's blood, 'HUMANS CAN LICK TOO'

  15. hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! imagine!!!!

    *grunt* "here we go..."


    *bonk* "SHIT!!!"

  16. u need 2 check ur thread again, sis

  17. I didn't scream! but if i had no one would have been woken up coz granda was watchin telly, me, charlie, patrick and my cousin Rachael were watchin harry potter on my other cousin's portable dvd player... and the murderer was climbing thru the window...

  18. i had 25p wen i txt u last night. wen i started the holiday i had £4. lol

    and u need 2 check ur thread again

  19. I'm absolutely lovin th reviews on The Resistance so far! Omg! NME made me laff SO much! like it was goin on bout how it was an album that'll 'make u giggle'! wtf?! lol

    I'm not actually tht keen on th collateral dammage part... i like piano; even classical! but i really don't like string instruments. ok so i lie! i love my guitar! I like instruments tht are plucked or something but i hate violins and violas and cellos and double basses!!! hate them! But only in classical music. i like them throughout the song because they're used in funky, inavative (can't spell!) ways, right up until the end... i dunno! i'm a freak! i just really really REALLY hate stringed instruments used in classical pieces of music!! All tht matters to me is the part with muse doing their thing! ie: th bits with wicked music and even better lyrics!!!

    I like... well i don't mind flying - i hav no objections to going by plane but i just thought tht it'd be cheaper to get the train and the flight from Gatwick to Aberdeen is usually... Turbulent. To say the least.


    Oh yeah, and my friend's organising a singalong in london 4 nxt year. like the one b4 the wembley gigs.


  20. do you like United States of Eurasia?

    it's a really good song in my opinion, makes a change to hear some decent music for once, but i still like the old songs best! Showbiz is my fave. Who knows; maybe i'll discover a new favourite song in this new album... It's supposed to be full of surprises.


    I'm going to Scotland tomorrow with my 2 younger brothers (My dad's side is Scottish)... My parents have to pay for an escort for them because they're under 12. We're going by plane, jus because it's quickest... I still want to know why we couldn't go by train. it would be a hell of a lot cheaper! I suppose it's a lot longer and my youngest brother would start playing up and making a nuisance of himself. It's what 8yr old boys do best right?!

    I'm just a bit put off that my Granda' doesn't have a computer, so i'll miss every important muse message until monday evening! and then when we go to stay with my aunt on... friday or something, it's kinda rude to use someone else's computer like everyday!

    I know what you're thinking: "Another holiday?!" hahaha! i don't usually go on so many, certainly not in such quick succession!


    I sometimes wonder if reading what i write is like reading a dictionary (with a loada spelling errors!!)... i use really long, really weird words all the time! My favourite word at the moment is Obelisk! hahaha! and my friends think i'm a freak coz i can spell the longest word in the english dictionary (antidisestablishmentarianism) without even thinking about it!

  21. it is beautiful there... totally gorgeous! i prefer italy though...

    and not simply coz matt lives there!!! no it's just really pretty in italy...

    OMG!!! eiffel tower is just totally... OMG!!! lol

    it's like you can see the whole of france from up there!

    I wanted to go up on top of the arc de triomphe but we didn't hav time...


    but there were beggars EVERYwhere... like loads of them went around in pairs so that while one was telling their story and begging, the other would be going thru your bag! kinda scary...

    but i felt so so SO sorry for them...some of them were really young. like 16 or 17... and not all of them were pick-pockets... some of them looked so sad... and so hungry. some of them looked as if they'd fall apart if you knocked them by accident... it's not fair to tar all of them with the same brush...

    they're still human

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