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Everything posted by Hat

  1. I wanted to say "doesn't have to be different songs" but honestly, it's the way they've always done it...or at least did when they first worked with Costey. And there's way too many things on that board for just one song. I mean this might not be news for you but for reference:
  2. You mean beside the fact that the band has said they'll only be recording and releasing singles for a while, and that they're about to hit the road again in like 3 weeks?
  3. Okay so first off, if you think music can't be written from an earnest place just because you're a more mature and happy person, you're wrong. And if anything, Matt struggled more with the idea of fame when he was dating Kate Hudson than he had in a long time. And I mean...the fact that Chris struggled with alcoholism proves that "having it all" isn't a recipe for happiness. Even after getting over his alcoholism, Chris clearly isn't living the perfect family life (not gonna say anymore about his personal life). And I certainly wasn't asking Matt to write songs about the feelings he had when he was in his 20s, so I don't know why you imply that I have. I'm saying they write insincere music, which they themselves have admitted regarding several songs. I repeat, you can write sincere songs even if you're not a moody teenager. And more importantly, you can take your musical output seriously. I don't like a lot of newer Muse songs because even when Matt sings about something personal, they wanna make the song "fun" or whatever by adding chants or a synth pad that makes them go "omg it just turned into 80s cheese, I love it". It's their process, but to me it lacks artistic vision for the output, and it turns me off their music. And I was thinking of adding this to my post, but figured it didn't need repeating because it's been said a million times: Complaining about Muse's output doesn't mean I'm telling them what they should be writing instead. They do what the fuck they want, otherwise they're just selling out. I'm simply giving my reason as to why I don't like it. EDIT: Oh and I forgot. I didn't mind it back in 2012 because I was impressed by his improved technique, but the "hero voice" is the biggest turnoff in their whole career for me. It means I can't take anything he says seriously. To me it sounds like he knows the lyrics are quite ridiculous so he uses a silly voice so it can't be criticized as a serious attempt.
  4. Which is why most of the later half of their career can’t ever stand up to the early part. If Muse don’t take their music seriously, why should I? Like, I think Panic Station is a fun track, but I would feel touched by it. Often it just comes across as insincere.
  5. He's either talking about Matt's falsetto which was reeeaaally rough and grating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO1kURgcf6k&t=40s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO1kURgcf6k&t=1m40s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO1kURgcf6k&t=3m38s Or the ending chest notes, the "Leeet me go, leeet me be" which he couldn't do properly either.
  6. Now you made me listen to the terrible mess that Mercy is But actually I agree with you! There's definitely something funny going on with that line that I never noticed before. Still don't agree on Aftermath though, but nevermind.
  7. What? The punch in/out technique is specifically for tapes (even if you can apply it to a certain digital technique), which I'm pretty sure they didn't record on btw.
  8. Sorry but I just don’t buy it. The sound he makes is not inhuman. It’s a technique he uses quite a lot where he adds a quick fry note to a line to give it some more “feeling” or whatever he’s going for. There is nothing in the way that it’s sung that would suggest that it had to be edited to sound that way, and there is nothing locigally to support it either, since we all know Mutt made them do take after take until it was perfect. Why would they edit that line in what you consider such an obvious way? That’s not what overdubbing is though. Overdubbing means to record on top of another recording, so you have two vocal tracks for example.
  9. We suffer from something called opinions. If you don’t wanna catch it I suggest you lock yourself in and never talk to anyone ever again. And don’t worry about your own opinions, because those are apparently facts that are true for everyone.
  10. I've heard different things from different people, but I think they are saving them for the album. Yeah I honestly didn't even think they would release another standalone single before recording the next album. This whole single thing was doomed to fail because it meant the band would have to stick to a plan for over a year.
  11. Matt's guitar tones during the "heavy" parts have been really flat for a few years now imo. Like...sure they're thick and low, but where is the EDGE? Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNWTiMeVM8g&t=3m48s Sure it was pretty cool for a few seconds, but it really makes the whole thing much less interesting. 4.25 and forward is just a sleeping pill compared to this:
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