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Everything posted by Hat

  1. You haven't been following Muse for the past 3 years, have you? Also nice save by the audience. We almost didn't notice you fucked up the clapping.
  2. Well yeah, started by Muse themselves. Pretty old news. Anyway oh man, Chris' grin during Showbiz.
  3. His voice matured back in 2009, and in 2012 he pretty much reached his peak with that voice, producing his best and richest high notes to date, and mixing it with pretty warm lows. What has happened now is a deterioration, not maturity. And people are giving him a hard time for it because he has literally admitted to not getting in shape for tours, and instead relying on the actual tours to get him into shape (eventually). Although that didn't really happen in 2015-2016. Instead he got increasingly worse, and with each performance of The Handler, both the high chest and falsetto got worse and worse. So there's no guarantees that his voice will adapt to Showbiz either. It's just as likely that he won't top the Leeds performance. But that's just speculation.
  4. Well it's in a lower key now so not really comparable to the old days. And yes, he was pretty clear in the interview that it was just a wish, and that he wasn't even sure the guy was available.
  5. It's so annoying btw that the Showbiz falsetto at Leeds was perfect, because I just know that if we get a proshot of Reading we will be annoyed for years that it was just slightly better at Leeds.
  6. Judging by the time slot I think there was a 30 minute delay or something?
  7. Dee said no Easily. They've played PIB and SS, Showbiz came after IS. Madness atm.
  8. Yeah, as Jobby said on the first page, the 26th was just a placeholder, and the undertitle was changed to the 25th when we found out the real date.
  9. you mean like this: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=127914 ?
  10. If I actually was attending: Space Dementia Easily Eternally Missed Falling Away With You Hyper Chondriac Music (put it in the next poll you dicks) HTAILY Ruled By Secrecy Darkshines Showbiz Endlessly
  11. I dreamt that the special guest was Morrissey. Sounded pretty cool actually.
  12. You could only vote once. You could however vote at different gigs, but that doesn't really skew the results in favour of the hits. It's not like people who wanna hear singles only are gonna make sure to vote at every gig of the tour. And yes, whenever a song like Showbiz or Hoodoo (once I think?) made its way into the top5, Muse simply played the other top requests which were most likely KoC, Starlight and Plug In Baby. The only two songs they actually brought in because of the vote were Bliss and CE. Why can't we expect them to let 15,000 people vote for songs? That's exactly what they already did. The thing is that we know what the results will be, because we know what the common denominator is. Hardcore fans will vote for their favourites, which can be any of Muse's 140 songs, while casuals only really choose between 10 songs. I don't think there's much to be said at all about the SBE vote except that there are still fans who wanna hear their deep cuts, which doesn't really say much since it was such a small gig where only those who got tickets within the first minute got any (except for competitions and VIP and such)
  13. I think you're missing a couple of things since you're not here very often. What I'm talking about is that Muse themselves have complained that people don't seem to enjoy their deeper cuts at gigs, to which I say "it's their own damn fault". And every time they have played something out of the ordinary (Dead Star, Fury, Micro Cuts etc) they have apologised to the audience in advance, and then later spoken about how the crowd doesn't react well and that's why they barely do it anymore. So the whole "they haven't made an effort to mix it up so that means they must like it the way it is" doesn't really work. What it seems like to me is that they've given up trying. And if you look at this thread you can see many people who say that this gig was one of their best ever, rated by people who barely even attend Muse gigs anymore. It doesn't really tell us that much about anything.
  14. Because Muse themselves clearly enjoy playing to hardcore fans much more, something they've quite explicitly said on several occasions. And that's why it's harder to let go, because there is obviously an incentive from Muse to play a wider variety of songs. Yeah like czuczu said, this is obviously because it was a very small venue. Do you not remember the 2010 polls?
  15. Yeah of course, but what I'm talking about is that Muse certainly aren't helping their case by pandering to a pop audience. You can never avoid casuals coming to the gigs, but you can definitely decrease the number of casuals by...not pretending to be a pop band for promotion. I mean, what would happen if Muse had released Psycho as single 1, Reapers as single 2, and Dead Inside as single 3 for the last album? I mean sure their pop pandering goes back further than that, but unless they make a change now, they're the ones who are gonna be stuck playing the same pop hits for the next 15 years. They're gonna get rich doing it, but they don't get to complain that people don't wanna rock out at their gigs anymore. (Now I'm just repeating myself). It's only a catch 22 if Muse need to play stadiums instead of arenas. Because those extra thousand audience members surely aren't doing the atmosphere any favours.
  16. Yeah but I assume that your point was that new fans won't know the old stuff? That's what I was addressing. Because that brings me back to what I said last page or something, which is that they're simply choosing the wrong singles. Sure Madness, Undisclosed Desires, Mercy etc are a shortcut to stadium gigs. But if what Muse really wanna do is play the rock stuff, then they gotta promote that side of themselves. (Just to bring you up to speed, last tour Matt complained that the audience didn't know their songs so they were forced to play singles). This is why I think the problem isn't just about "changing" as a band and growing older, because songs like The Handler, Psycho, Reapers, Supremacy, Animals, Liquid State etc aren't that different from their older stuff. The problem is that Muse are promoting themselves as a pop group, then they get disappointed when these new fans of Madness and Follow Me aren't reacting well to Stockholm Syndrome and New Born. Like...you can't have both. Either you (Muse) stand for being a pop group and just play the hits for as many years as you can, or you stop catering to people you don't enjoy playing for.
  17. That's not necessarily how it needs to be though. If he's listened to Muse for 5 to 6 years, he's had plenty of time to dig into their albums. They don't even have that many compared to a lot of others bands. And it's all available to him in one way or another.
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