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Everything posted by Hat

  1. Hat

    fail post, HAH!


    His voice <333



  2. I'm watching you

  3. I will run up in a tree.

  4. You can't, I will shine in your eyes.

  5. I take your silence as a sign of agreement.

  6. OMG, did you hear that song by The Muse on Ecplise? OMG IT WAS SO AWESOME

  7. I bet it is. Kinda like my awesomeness. There's just no end to it

  8. Never heard of. Borde jag? Verkligen! Inte lika hårt som Kate Hu...naah, not going there.
  9. Well...okay, it's true :(

  10. Hat

    Oooh, show me :eyebrows:

  11. Hat

    it's the singer :D
  12. I see you be usin' mah meme, and you're doing it with style :yesey:

  13. Me, a pervert? pffff

  14. Hat

    :LOL: I decided to go to bed instead.
  15. Hat

    Hmm, I have had that a lot when I'm home alone, but nah, not when the family is sleeping :noey:

  16. :phu: it's amazing
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