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Everything posted by Hat

  1. I was playing truth or dare, and speaking about psychology with a friend who also couldn't sleep :chuckle:

  2. And I'm sure you will :awesome: ...unless you like MUSE


    That's a huge boner killer. Oh well, BED!

  3. :LOL: it sure is! New people are fun, especially if they turn out to be awesome!
  4. Well sure! I'm already like 3 people's gay friend x)

  5. That's because I'm so gay :happy:

  6. Hat

    :LOL: noo, you were just tired!
  7. This is me being me: :eyebrows:

  8. this is Edward being angry: :stunned:

  9. Are you sure about that? >: )

  10. I know you like it :eyebrows:

  11. .LOL: yeah, no wonder the meds didn't help x)

  12. *sparkles*


    what? :happy:

  13. Indeed. I could go on about the long story how the doctors thought it was just pneumonia, and how I went around with it for 2 months, and all the stuff I missed because of it, but I wont. :awesome:

  14. I watched tv too violently...

  15. :(


    Haha, yeah maybe. I haven't been able to go to the gym for like 2 months, because of a collapsed lung D:

  16. Haha, yeah, it is. But I just do 3 sets with 6-8 reps, and then I'm done :awesome: fast results, though my lung is still not back to normal :(

  17. Btw, I'm waiting patiently for those pics :D

  18. Horrible! I hate workouts like that :( And haha, you can handle it! Awesome :awesome:

  19. Hat

    You posted your response in your own inbox :chuckle:

  20. No, I meant for the hard work out :p

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