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Everything posted by Hat

  1. EDWARD DIES????



  2. fuck yeah!



    God I'm bored

  3. lol, who cares? 12-year old girls who look like men are sexy

  4. :happy: Will you be my best man at the wedding?
  5. :awesome: THANKS :D I'll try that
  6. Hat

    pfff, I know you like it.

  7. Hat




  8. I think I'll try that someday actually. Maybe I get lucky and find an equally retarded girl as Bella!

  9. Oooh, I see! Now I want to see the girly you :awesome:

  10. Damnit! Why do they have to make cameras do damn expensive? :( Everyone needs to have the privilege of taking good photos of themselves :noey:

  11. Haha, yeah, good idea! I'll probably go eat something. God you're smart.


    :noey: I know that all too well.

  12. :LOL: I would probably do the same....unless Chris Corner were sitting next to you!


    God I'm so hungryyyyy D:


    And how is that pic going?

  13. I played "truth, dare or drink" at the last party. It went pretty good actually! or....bad, since no one got naked :(

  14. Jadå, ett Muse med en dålig setlist är fortfarande riktigt bra. Men när de tydligt bara ger 50% av vad de kan, då blir man lite irriterad.
  15. *gets it off to Emma*

  16. Det finns säkert de som föredrar Neutron Star Collision, I Belong To You och Soldiers Poem framför Bliss, Ruled By Secrecy och Map Of The Problematique
  17. 300 plays with Vast in the last 7 days :awesome:

  18. yeah, I seriously believed that you attempted to hack your legs off with a chainsaw. YOU CRAZY KID!

  19. That's what I've always been saying! How on earth would that be romantic?

  20. I'm looking for Bella, She came up here an hour ago and never came back down.

  21. And why did you think that would be a good idea? And how is it my fault?

  22. Why are you not on my friends list, friend?

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