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Everything posted by Hat

  1. Silly Americans

  2. Hmm....nah! Now it turns out I'm going to write a review instead!

  3. Not sure yet. Know any good ones newly released on dvd that I should see?

  4. Haha, thank you and thank you :D


    I'm....tired D: Thinking about watching a movie. You?

  5. But fact is that songs like MM, Cave, Bliss, Dead Star etc still wins all the polls, which means that the majority likes them, and a lot of the "twilighters" around here does as well.Just go and have a look in the threads about favorite Muse songs, you will be surprised over how few(almost none) of them actually only choose the popular and new singles. The people you are talking about is a very small minority among the posters.
  6. 1. Citizen Erased has won several polls for the best song. 2. Escape had a petition to be played live that got pretty big.(Not just a thread where you could vote) 3. Dead Star is in most people's top10 on this board. And most of the others....well, they are all the most successful songs from their albums. MM, Sunburn, Cave and Feeling Good are all very loved, even though FG has been getting quite a lot of negative criticism for being played live far too much. And who are these people on this board who doesn't know Muses back catalogue? I have hardy ever seen one. I'm actually surprised how many of the new fans are already getting into songs like CE, Sunburn and Cave.
  7. True.

    "Were just friends, What are you saying bitch?

    Said there's another, Look right in my eyes bitch"

  8. That lyric would be awesome.


    "Your innocence is mine, bitch".


    I know a musician who had a lyric that went kinda like :"And every time I see you, You turn around"


    Perfectly innocent lyric, until played live when he changed it to "And every time I see you, You turn around, bitch". Makes so much more sense.

  9. *steals clothes and innocence*


    I SURE AM! :awesome:

  10. Wow, that's just weird! Mondays at work must be a blast!

  11. Look at the face: :stunned:


    *steals Mels wallet*

  12. Party at a sunday???

  13. Oh, and how about YOU?

  14. It may have been my sexy face that made you all dizzy :stunned:

  15. well...did you?

  16. Yes it is! Since 2 hours back. I have been doing...nothing! Therefore I am doing my homework now, at 2 am :(

  17. :stunned:


    *rapes Mel*



  18. *is Tony Romo*


    now, SLAP ME!

  19. slap me, slap me!

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