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Everything posted by Hat

  1. Hat

    It's usually the girls who are the stupid ones. But Damon is even worse :( It's okay though, he's too hot to be hated <3

  2. Hat

    Why do I get the feeling that Damons is going to do something stupid?

  3. Hat

    ooh, maybe my eyes will stay dry too for once :awesome:

  4. Hat

    I can't D:


    Oh well, I had forgotten about the latest episode of VD, so watching it now! :awesome:

  5. Hat

    Then what am I supposed to do with it? :( I can't just throw it away!


    Hmm, I should get some snacks and watch a movie...

  6. Hat

    Well yeah, the story is about what she experiences. Almost all of the 3000 words is describing what she experiences while she sits on the bench, closing her eyes.


    random song by Mute Math :awesome:


    Now I have eaten two hamburgers, do you want the last one?

  7. Hat

    Haha, it's actually a pretty good subject. Mine turned out as a story about a woman who was having problems letting her past go, and the story shifted between now and the past. Something had happened to the woman that she couldn't let go.


    That's the idea for my story. Oh how I love pop music <3

  8. Hat

    Thanks :kiss: I never used to having any trouble letting people read what I wrote, I was used to sending song lyrics/poems to almost anyone. But it's different now that the other people in the class is like people who have worked with this shit since before I was born.


    The topic was a woman sitting on a bench by a lake. And then some other shit about describing as much as possible, the surroundings, feelings and so on.

  9. Hat

    Stupid parents :noey:


    Not a chance. The assignment was to write a story, 3000 words, and then share it with the rest. Then you are going to read the stories from the other people in the group, and comment on them. The worst part is reading comments on your own work though, I am really having a hard time with it :(

  10. Hat



    I'm hungry...I should eat. Oh, and 30 minutes before I have to send in my assignment. I have barely started.

  11. Hat

    Now I want to eat, but for some reason my stupid parents didn't go to the store, so we have nothing to drink except water.


    Oh well, what's up with YOU?

  12. Hat

    Oh well, I didn't let it out of my sight this time, I just drank the whole thing!

  13. Hat

    haha, aw :(


    btw, the juice was mysteriously back today! very weird...

  14. Hat

    My halloween was pretty boring. We had a party the day before, so halloween was just "the day after". Didn't really do anything special.

  15. Hat

    wieeee, water is back! But still not as it should be. Not sure if I dare to drink it...


    I should go to bed D:


    Oh well, how was halloween?

  16. I mostly hear that the last 2 minutes are boring, and that a lot of people even skips it. On the other hand, people love praising CE as a prog-rock song, and without the piano part that would make even less sense.
  17. Hat

    Trying to find something to drink. The water pipes are cut, and the juice is mysteriously gone D:

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