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Everything posted by Hat

  1. You are basically saying that this is a place for people who like everything that Muse does. Guess what, you CAN be a fan and still dislike something about the band, And no, a lot of people don't have anything to say, so they don't post. Therefore the threads gets filled with negativity. What is your point?
  2. You aren't shot down. Stop looking at yourself as a victim. This is a discussion. We can't help if there's more people on "our side". I have never said you can't say your opinion. But I just feel that it's a bit hypocritical of you to say that we should stop complaining. We are telling our opinion, and I don't care if I'm being negative about a band on their own forum, a forum isn't just for 100% love and positivity. But yes, I can definitely see that it's getting a bit much for the people who don't see a problem, since every thread ends up in complains about todays Muse. But it's not like (most of us) are doing this on purpose. I guess there's just a lot of people who are having negative comments at the moment. Just because we complain doesn't mean we aren't Muse fans. EDIT: And btw, if you enter a discussion with better arguments than basically "stop complaining, I'm sure they have their reasons" sometime, maybe you shouldn't get so much counter-arguments.
  3. Well, your opinion is that we should stop expression our opinions, because it won't give results anyway And exactly, you haven't been on the board, and when you get back you instantly start again, JUST like the "complainers". I don't see how you are any different
  4. And tbh Carrie, when someone comes with a reasonable argument against Muse/Matt, you just respond with "I'm sure they have their reasons." It's not so much about being logical, it's more about finding reasons to defend them. (And before you say it, YES, I find reasons to complain, because I like to discuss what can get better, rather than being stuck at "this is what we got, let's settle". That's just how I am)
  5. Actually, I think it has gone like this. 1. People rant about setlists 2. Mod tells them to keep on topic 3. People keep on topic 4. A new person enters, disagreeing with rants 5. Rants starts again. Evil circle
  6. Though, they may have lost more fans during this tour than any of the earlier ones But probably gained more than they lost, so I doubt they care. EDIT: Oh and another thing. Who says you can't enjoy a song just because you haven't heard it before? If it's a rock song, just jump the fuck around, it's not that hard. You don't need to know the lyrics to rock out.
  7. 1. No, just because you go to a gig you shouldn't know all the songs. BUT, you shouldn't expect the band to only play the songs you know. 2. The thing is that people say that old songs doesn't get the crowd going if they don't know them, so throwing in a rare and old song to get the crowd going doesn't really work 3. "Newer fans what to hear the regulars", not true.
  8. Nah, Hysteria, TIRO, SS, RBS, Interlude and B&H. That's okay for a 7 year old album. Though, it's a bit sad when you think of these songs that has been dropped. They are a LOT. Really, even you Carrie. Just think about all those songs that they don't play anymore, and then say it doesn't make you a bit sad.
  9. You keep changing you arguments/defending statements all the time. So they DON'T just go after crowd reactions? Well, Matt has said several times that he really likes Bliss. And also that Space Dementia is his favorite from OoS.
  10. I was in line with a few people who were all really new fans. They all talked about "maybe we will hear Dead Star", "I want to hear Hyper Music", "Think if they would play Micro Cuts, DAAAAMN".
  11. "I think it was Jo Wiley who commended Muse on the fact that they don't indulge themselves, they play the stuff that she felt people wanted to hear, which is the hits." Your words. Now how is it? Does Muse play what THEY want, or what the people want to hear? Wouldn't the polls be a good proof of what a lot of people want to hear?
  12. Just because everyone doesn't post about it on the board doesn't mean a lot of the attenders WANTS to hear older songs. Maybe they are happy with greatest hits+new songs, but that's not the point. The point is that the argument "Muse can't play older songs since the attenders doesn't know them" doesn't hold. Muse has no reason to for example ignore the poll results.
  13. Well, it's like the people who answer to setlist complains with "I thought the setlist was good.....I like them for whatever they play". It kinda loses its point to judge something if you don't have any demands. It's like reviewing a movie and then finish by saying "But I would give it 5 stars no matter what".
  14. The thing is that it isn't lost. It's just ignored. It's not like it's impossible to get it back. And yes, every new tour will most likely have a new album with new songs. With that logic there's never anything to complain about, since every new tour has new songs Shush.
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