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Everything posted by Hat

  1. Yeah, I have been using gigs like those+the asian ones as sources for my arguments All the sudden, MK Ultra, B&H and Sunburn, but then they are gone again. 19 REAL songs for an arena as well.
  2. Now, from YOUR point of view. If you would play the same songs every gig for the whole tour, wouldn't that make it kinda boring after a while? Wouldn't it just kill some of the fun? Now...what if you changed things around, made every night different, giving it a new and fresh touch every time. Just change a few songs around, add a song like Dead Star and see all the people just rocking out. Wouldn't that feel better? My point is, I'm not fucking surprised if Muse has lost their enthusiasm by the way they are playing
  3. Muse had their biggest set on the stadium shows, they had 3 support bands and managed to play 18 songs. Muse plays arenas with a smaller set, one support band, and only manages to play 15 songs. BUT, they do play some rare songs every now and then, which proves that it CAN be done, and it has nothing to do with the technical stuff, saying that would just be silly. Something that Muse has proven themselves by giving asians rarities, and random other shows: They CAN mix up the set, they just choose not to.
  4. Once again you missed the point. "The difference with U2 is they've got about 20-25 years over Muse on touring and they've been doing huge tours since the dawn of time, so I'm sure they're used to it." Who are used to it? Since I already said, there is no problem for Muse, and you are the one saying that it's hard for the crew. Therefore you are saying that Muse's crew aren't used to huge tours like these.Which brings me back to my point. Why wouldn't they be used to it? And if the crew isn't able to handle such a big tour, then why not get people who can?
  5. And you have been proven wrong because the support bands has NOTHING to do with Muse's sets, and neither does the tower setup. The support bands doesn't take time from Muse. Muse can choose themselves for how long they want to play.
  6. That STILL isn't Muse's problem, it's the crew. Are you saying that Muse's crew isn't good/experienced enough to handle such a big tour? Then why would they not get someone who could? The only difference for Muse is that they may play more gigs and on a tighter schedule, but this doesn't affect what songs goes into the setlists in any way.
  7. You have been proven wrong to most of these point time and time again. To be honest I can't be arsed to repeat it for the 10th time for someone who's clearly not willing to listen to any other opinion than his own.
  8. Well, you have said that their stage setup is stopping them from variating their setlist And no, I still don't agree that getting rid of the towers makes it easier. Just pull the fucking towers down and the problem is solved.
  9. Really? From what I have heard Matt had trouble playing it. 10-15 plays in a year isn't really that much either. Well, there's no explanation to why they wouldn't play any of these songs more than a few times. The most logical IS that they just choose not to play them, agreed? I don't really believe that a song like Sunburn only CAN be played one night and never again in the whole tour because of technical problems.
  10. TBH, The towers are a perfect set up. They offer awesome visuals, but can be "put away" for some variety with songs that doesn't have proper light shows. Just pull the towers down and start playing Dead St...no, fucking Hyper Music, and then just get back to the towers.
  11. Yes, but think about it. RBS B&H Dead Star Sunburn Cave MK Ultra(which already is seen as rare) Bliss CE These are all songs that they have played this tour. Switching these around at the gigs isn't hard, and would mean a lot more variety without that much more work at all.
  12. But still, nothing stops them from having the towers down and only have the ordinary visuals(that they would have to do with a smaller stage setup too) and play Dead Star for example. The towers doesn't HAVE to be used. can't speak for the stadium set though.
  13. Once again you missed the point. The point is that they played the songs once or twice, then never again. If they are prepared or not doesn't matter, it still doesn't change the fact that they CAN be played again. And since you haven't been on a band set, you have no idea how much difference it makes to the crew if Muse decides do change a few songs around.
  14. Have YOU been on a tour of the scale of Muse? If so, was it impossible or even hard if you got instructions to play a song that you already have visuals for and has been played just a few days ago? Your arguments still fail when we have seen Muse pull out random songs from certain gigs during the whole tour.
  15. You clearly didn't get anything of what I said. Let me rephrase. If I go to a gig with a band I haven't heard the older songs of, I don't expect them to ignore their older songs just because I and other new fans haven't heard them.
  16. I still don't see how a tight schedule means that they can't play songs that they played 2-5 days ago. Which is the case for songs like Sunburn, Dead Star, B&H, RBS, Cave and so many others.
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