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Everything posted by Hat

  1. That's the stadium gigs. The arena gigs still only has one support band, and they play 15 songs. The gigs that has 3 support bands gets around 18 songs. So what you are saying doesn't really add up.
  2. Goddamn you are ignorant. I am saying "No part of the fans should get all of the attention, it's not impossible to please both the new and the old fans". Stop putting words in my mouth.
  3. I know why you used films as an example, which is why I disagreed. Even Muse does SOMETHING different for every show, which instantly makes that example pointless. The thing is that a lot of the worlds best live bands today changes their shows every night, and Muse used to do it too, when they were still trying hard to be the best. Yes, you can expect something different. A lot of bands does it. Muse CAN do it, no question about that. They already have practiced Bliss, CE, RBS, B&H, Dead Star, Sunburn, MK Ultra etc enough times to be able to play it live, but choose to only pull them out once in a while. That has nothing to do with a tight schedule. And btw, Dee3Dee doesn't live in every country in the world, which means he probably also has plane tickets.
  4. And I still want to know why Muse should only play songs that 100% of the audience has heard. in my opinion, if I go to a concert with a band I don't know all the songs of(which I done doing several times, and is going to do soon again), I sure as hell don't expect the band to only play their biggest hits and song that I will have heard. That's just absurd. EDIT. Oh, and very egoistic. "The older fans shouldn't be able to hear the songs that got them into the band, because I won't know them".
  5. You don't really think your posts through, do you? 1. He bought the tickets long before he had any idea how this tour would be. Though he probably knew how the earlier ones had been, and they all had variety, new songs and rarities. 2.If you compare concerts with films, then you obviously have a very different view on concerts than most of the other concert goers.
  6. Aren't the visuals to RBS the same ones that they have been using since 2004? No, not everyone will have heard Darkshines or TOADA. But why should Muse only play songs that 100% of the audience will have heard? If you go to a concert for a band that you don't know the older songs of, then you shouldn't expect the band to only play the songs that you have heard.
  7. But as you have been saying several times, you think that a new album will add more variety to the set, which is what people are arguing against. You specifically said that a new album would mean more variety. Yes I do, as long as they fit of course. I want Muse to mix in some rare songs in their sets. if it's Showbiz, MM, Sunburn, Cave, Megalomania, Dead Star etc doesn't matter, which is why I am not asking for specific songs. The point is that you should visit a Muse show and not be able to name every song that you are going to hear. And like I have said before, they are playing 15 songs atm, even if they CAN'T play more, that doesn't mean that they can't put a rarity in there. About what you said to Dee3Dee, what's just plain ignorant. He specifically says that he doesn't want Muse to please JUST the new/noob fans, but also the older ones.
  8. Use that as a template. And then when they decide to change things around, play TaB as an opener, SS as encore closer and Bliss in it's place. Play B&H(which they are already playing, no need to learn a new song) instead of maybe MOTP? Or change place between TaB and KoC, start encore with TaB, End main set with SS. The possibilities are endless, despite not having to learn 40 songs and do completely different sets every night.
  9. But then how come they can play Dead Star on the Asian tour, with visuals, and then never again? How come they can play Sunburn on...one gig? And then never again? How come songs like RBS and B&H can't be played more than when Muse actually decides to "please the older fans", which is like 1-3 times per tour? NB, Bliss, FG and PIB are still the hits that has been played to death since their release. Which is what we have been saying, that they are only playing their hits+songs from the latest album. CE is also a very popular song. Once again you are putting words in our mouths. Just because we are asking for variety doesn't mean that we are expecting "the world", whatever that means.
  10. No, another album will add more songs that they COULD play. But considering what they have been doing so far, more albums will only mean that they stop playing more of the older songs. You still haven't gotten the point. Just because they have more songs doesn't mean that they will play a wider variety of songs. No, it isn't. If you say "why aren't you playing Uno?", that is a specific song. If you say "why aren't you playing rare/old songs?", that is NOT a specific song. How can that not be obvious?
  11. And when it comes to venues. 1. Matt told the truth when he talked about smaller venues. 2. They continue playing the biggest venues and festivals all around the world. 3. They stop touring.
  12. tbh, there's not much to discuss about that. We have no new info from Muse themselves, so all we can go on his how things are going at the moment. Basically, we have 3 options. 1. They continue the next tour just like this one, by playing the greatest hits+new songs. 2. They remember that they have fans from before 2006, and start mixing things up with some older songs and variety. 3. They like the fact that they can get very famous by doing very little, and start to experiment with how low they can go before people stop buying it.
  13. That is complete bullshit 1. The visuals does NOT affect what songs they can play, which they have proven by pullout out rarities at 3-4 gigs and then never again. 2. If they are forced to play short sets, that still doesn't mean that they can only play their hits. I am sure that the new fans would be satisfied with 10 out of 15 songs, why not give a few to the fans who knows that they have albums before Absolution?
  14. You seem a bit confused. You are saying that one more album will mean more variety and flexibility. I am saying that the way Muse are working at the moment, the amount of albums doesn't make any difference. That I want them to mix the albums has nothing to do with that, since it's just a request from me, not what Muse are actually DOING. I know there is a big difference. Did you miss the point? The point that we are NOT asking them to play certain songs. We are not saying "Why aren't Muse playing this?". We are saying "Why are Muse not playing any of their older songs?" and ""Why are Muse not giving some rarities to the fans to make it more exciting, especially for the people who goes to more than one show?"
  15. I am not going to comment on the first part, since I have no interest in repeating myself another time. But the last part, we are back on my earlier question. The amount of albums has nothing to do with it. Well excuse me for using "favorite" instead of "songs I want to hear live the most". There are plenty of brief posts about this subject, let me see if I can find some of them in under 5 minutes.
  16. But we aren't asking for our favorite songs, we are asking for a MIX of songs from all their albums, so that they will have something for every type of fan, are you following? And the point was that Muse already has 5 albums, and that hasn't exactly given them more variation compared to when they only had 4 or even 3. I doubt that a 6th album will make things that much better.
  17. Well, that's a very poor argument. What are you trying to say? That we shouldn't want them to do better, because people will still complain? Are you saying that we already are complaining just for the sake of complaining? Enlighten me. But then it has nothing to do with the amount of albums, correct?
  18. En länk till facebook-sidan hade ju varit bra Aja, får leta upp det själv då EDIT: Done!
  19. What a silly question!


    ...I have no idea.

  20. The next tour I would like to see something like...   New Song Knights of Cydonia SMBH MK Ultra New Song Hysteria Plug In Baby Butterflies & Hurricanes USoE New piano song Space Dementia New Born Uprising Unnatural Selection Stockholm Syndrome  Take A Bow Rarity(MM/Sunburn/Cave) New Song  Songs like MoTP, Starlight and TiRO are also played a lot.
  21. Okay, back on topic. This is what I would like to see Muse do next tour that is still believable.  1. Write down 8 of the biggest singles. (Uprising, SMBH, Starlight, TIRO, FG, KoC, PIB, NB, Hysteria) 2. Take 5 songs from the latest album and write them down. (In this case, Exo 1, MKU, US, USoE, Resistance) 3. Look at last years polls, realize that everyone seems to like CE and Bliss, write them down. 4. Practice 5 oldies/rarities. Write down 2 of them. (Showbiz, MM, Cave, Megalomania, Fury, S4A, B&H, RBS) 5. If there's room for more, write down some songs that seem fitting.(SS, CoD, TaB, Sunburn)  Repeat this before every gig and you have the setlists.  The result could be:  Take A Bow Uprising Supermassive Black Hole MK Ultra Hysteria Citizen Erased USoE Ruled By Secrecy New Born Bliss Time Is Running Out Butterflies & Hurricanes Unnatural Selection Knights of Cydonia  Overture Plug In Baby Stockholm Syndrome
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