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Everything posted by Hat

  1. It's an awful feeling when you wake up and realize what you have done. And I wasn't even drunk.


    Never again :noey:

  2. I have it away to you last night, and now I want it back :(

  3. I want my innocence back.

  4. :LOL: Let's hope they do :awesome:


    Cube is awesome...if you ignore the bad acting. Oh and I didn't get much work done either. Or today for that matter.

  5. Hat

    Vampire Diaries :'(


    I'm in tears

  6. To lead this discussion into the topic, I would hope that Muse changes their attitude for future tours. Â This doesn't just mean setlists, but the length of the gigs, which is just ridiculous at the moment. Â I also feel that they could make a bigger effort to change things around. This doesn't have to mean playing songs that they don't enjoy, I'm sure that they have more than 20 songs that they would enjoy playing.
  7. Once again you ignore the rest of the points in my post  Yes, this is off-topic. And yes, you were facepalmed...by ONE person.  Actually, looking back at it, this all started because you misunderstood one of my posts  That wasn't aimed at you. That was just a general opinion about the people who actually say that. But after that you responded with the shit about "Muse aren't some tinpot little band who organise their setlists around 20 people.", and here we are!
  8. I don't even know what my next assignment is about. But I skipped one about scientific studies and how they are done. How theories are proven and shit.


    Cube! <3

  9. I actually find that a bit interesting :awesome:


    I wish I had the willpower to study something like that.


    I am 5 weeks behind in one of my courses. About to watch a movie now :awesome:

  10. haaai


    how are you?

  11. I DEMAND an explanation!

  12. After going back to read a bit, you are correct, my mistake. It still doesn't change the fact that you have been saying it more than once before. Both the "This is a place for Muse fans" and a lot of other things that I can't remember. But I don't regret responding to your original post, and I certainly don't see it as we are attacking you. This is what we have been trying to say for quite a while. Muse believes that the gig attenders only wants to hear their singles, which is just wrong. And still you keep going on about "some people here wants Muse to play old songs". MOST of the fans wants this, but most of them are also happy with what they get, there's a major difference. I don't like it either, but when you try to make yourself a victim by saying that you are attacked(or something along those lines), then I would like you to back up that statement. There are loads of threads in for example Songs and Releases that are filled with 90% positive comments. Let's say for example that you have thread called "your favorite moment in a Muse song", that thread is bound to be filled with positivity. But as soon as there's a thread open for both negative and positive opinions, there WILL be negativity, and even more so since people keep trying to defend Muse. I'm not saying that is bad, but I'm saying that you can't complain that there's a lot of negativity when you respond to it, that will obviously just spawn more negative comments as a reply.
  13. Nah, I agree that the split regarding the subjects of live shows that has been developing a lot the past year is Muse's fault, but I'm just saying that you can't simply say that just because there's big split there has to be something very wrong with the subject(in this case, Muse's live shows)
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