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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. :eek:


    Bitch :'(


    I love you for evah and this is how you treat me?


    Fair weather friend, Sara, fair weather I say! :noey:

  2. Hell yeah :D


    Oh nice! I've family in law and journalism (judges and editors mostly. They of the mad skills and long careers) so I can appreciate that though I don't want it for myself (I want to be an anthropologist)


    And I say go out and travel before you come back. Aotearoa isn't going anywhere anytime soon, after all.

  3. Ooh nice. What're you looking at studying?


    I'm heading for Canada and with luck working my way down through to Central America by December. Then I'll have to come back and, y'know, actually finish uni, but for now I'm taking a break for the very good reason that my scholarship's run out :chuckle:

  4. Oh sucky. High school or uni/college/etc?

  5. I'm going to try that sometime I've all of a sudden become really thirsty generally. I'm getting through 3-5 L of water a day. And swimming every other day, because my cousin has keys to the local pool
  6. Oh yeah? School?


    I myself am taking a gap year and heading out into the bright beyond in May :dance:

  7. Duuuuude!


    Nice macrons on the Auckland! :awesome:

  8. KAND you're amazing :kiss:

  9. Lol. Don't worry. I'm not actually embarrassed I just feel like I don't air that smilie enough. Urgh gross there's a cat I don't like sitting on my lap. I'm so biased. My cat's really beautiful so I judge all cats by her standard. That pun is truly terrible Grosss. Cat breath.
  10. ... I do But I'm not a srs bsness media person at least. And not often (I say cool beans like, way more ) Ooh I am a wee bit stoned. It's nice. I get more thirsty than hungry when I'm high which is good. I'vce drunk 3 litres of water tonight.
  11. Hey totally randomly - your signature is gorgeous.

  12. Damn, that always makes me feel worse when they don't smile back. I really truly am, and it did 2 suitcases and a hessian bag with my (3rd hand desktop) computer in it are nice and easy to transport. And my room is ENORMOUS. I even have one of those beautiful old dressing tables with all the drawers and the big circular mirror on it.
  13. Ikr? On the natgeo website there's this section where people upload photos they've taken and one of the editors picks their favourite shots of the day/week and the ones they like most each month actually end up in the magazine. If only I had a camera I would totally go for that, I think. Lol. That reminded me of when my aunt had 3 heart attacks and had to quit smoking. She existed in a state of permanent stonedness for like a year and a half Oh that baby stare! Did you try smiling at it? That sometimes works. I'm good at holding babies though. My cousins procreate all the time. Found out last week that two - 17 and 18 - are both pregnant How lovely So I moved. Life is beautiful.
  14. I'm sorrrrryyyyyy :'(

    Well, I'm going to Canada for sure, and we're probably buying a car while we're there, so hopefully if we have visas they'll let us throughhhh :awesome:

    Lol. And then you get that thing when you get off and your legs feel all funny because they've been wrapped around a massive animal's back :chuckle:

    No wonder jockeys stand up...

  15. My family have worked in publishing and journalism a lot lol. It's just not something I want to do. Unless as a photographer for natgeo because THAT WOULD WIN SO HARD MY BRAIN WOULD IMPLODE.
  16. Oh yeah. It definitely is! I don't want to be a publisher though, you see. In the 1990s when Learning Media (the publishing company owned and run by the state) used to make those little photographic books of kids which told stories? I was one of those kids. Put me right off
  17. Argh I didn't reply again?

    *melts into puddle of fail*

    Lol more like I'll give it to you when I'm in Cali. Because even if you know where I live, I'm travelling first ;p

    Yeah mum's good now. Just, y'know, convalescing.

    Nice horse, btw :awesome:

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