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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. Lol... I'm sure you must be able to - or else all the surfers who come here from overseas would have to buy their boards when they're here...

    Yeah, he did! I didn't realise either lol. But I was at his house, and I was all "Oh sunflowers :awesome:" and he was all "gardener jargon modesty".

    Think I'm in love :chuckle:

  2. HELL YEAH come twice! Could always go skiing in winter... one of my aunty's has a lodge...

    Yus indeed. The beach is the fookin shiz. And I loooove swimming there. Backstroke at the end of the day with the sun setting and the sky an enormous deep blue bowl over your head while people start bonfires and barbecues up on the sand=a kind of heaven.

    He's a painter, and he surfs, and has a garden with sunflowers in it and he's gooooorgeoussssss :awesome:

    He's gone away this weekend though. To the same place Rob went, actually...

  3. How far away is that? Next year?

    Nice :D I still can't surf haha. (Though I know a particularly gorgeous guy who might be persuaded into teaching me :eyebrows:)

    Ohhh. I'm sorry to hear it babe <3

  4. Oh damn that sucks! Long-distance fail.

    How long ago did you guys split?

    And - you know what I think? I think you should come here for New Year's.

    And go to Rhythm and Vines :awesome:

  5. Second favourite.


    I'm high on life :awesome:

  6. I had a school uniform so there was only ever one thing I wore lol. We had this teal dress sack fail thing. When it rained everyone smelt like wet sheep if the jerseys or blazers got wet.

    I'm moving to Taranaki. Rob's generally 8 hours away from me lol. When next I'm in Auckland we'll go out for drinks or something though. The Naki's about... 3-4 hours from him. Not too far.

    He's at RAGAMUFFIN this weekend though. Lucky bastard. LAURYN HILL'S PLAYING AND I COULDN'T GO :'(

    Sucks to be away from the beach. Don't think I could stand it.

    But Nick's awesome!

  7. LemsipMaxFluLemon.jpg


    ... yeah, but still. I'm awesome. There's no denying it.

  8. I used to scare myself into waking up at like 3am because I'd dream that I'd overslept because I was so worried about being late :LOL:

    Yeah that winter darkness sucks. So does midsummer brightness if you're trying to sleep in though, imo. As to the rain - it's that thing about (sub)tropical zones - in summer it's usually just gray and rainy here. When I move in a coupla weeks I'll be in one of the sunniest parts of the country though.

    Surrounded by sexeh surfer boys :awesome:

  9. Haha I do stuff like that aaaaalll the time.

    Oh that's cool! Hate waking up tired though. Though it's nice to wake up totally alert and stuff when you haven't had much sleep lol.

    Haha it's fookin pouring cats and dogs here at the mo as well - snap.

  10. Of course :chuckle:


    Hope the homework went welllll

  11. I'm back for a while!


    Everything's okay.


    ILY tat!

  12. Lol. Dying in NZ ofc :p



  13. Oh nice!


    Franz ftw :awesome:

  14. Miss you toooooooooo :kiss:


    My most beloved corsair buddy

  15. Yeah I'm really bad at keeping plants alive... It's why I'm so good at weeding and pruning. Good luck though! The idea of growing one's own nuts appeals to me greatly Egads, I leave in 3 hours Still haven't packed because I don't really have much to take. Books and clothes. Yey.
  16. A PEANUT PLANT? There are pros to living in Auckland, I'll admit We have little purple ones and large pale pink ones that grow on huge creepers, red, white and yellow ones that grow on regular rose bush type rose bushes and hot pink ones that are the yongest of the lot, judging by the fact that their lowest bits are still green, rather than woody and covered in massive thorns. The pale pink, red and white ones smell lovely And thank you
  17. Thanks And yeah, very exciting! Scary too, but like, I'll be dealing with a very small staff (rather than the army at my old work... museum's really don't run by themselves!) and that should be cool
  18. If I was the type to sig things people say, this would be in mine right now That's nice of them! I exercised and gardened (rose pruning. We have 6 roses along one wall of our garden. Most of them have black spot I got all of it though. Hopefully anyway) and watched bits and pieces of the Avatar the Last Airbender marathon on Nickelodeon in between. Because I am awesome First weekend of work coming up!
  19. Thanks Yes there will be footage. (Otherwise I have no proof!) Won't be for months though, most likely Oh yeah? Well... my friend is like... THE MAN at... cricketing. So. Thea. Nicely done! I'm proud of you as well
  20. Is there like, something special about cricket at the Basin? *fails at cricket knowledge* Hope you all had beautiful new years. My one resolution this year is to, minus the flying, learn the dance Christopher Walken does in Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice video
  21. You're quite welcome my deah :happy:


    Happy New Year lovely :kiss:


    And happy 2010 and all :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


    May you party like it's 1999 :stongue:

  23. Thank you my love xxx


    Happy 2010 :party:

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