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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. Sara. Sara.


    You are my most beloved moorish corsair.


    I know that :rolleyes:


    I has mad for youuuu.

  2. The year's totally only just begun. Onward with the laziness! No, english I dropped after 6th form, when you were allowed to finally drop it. It was one of my best and best beloved subjects... I just couldn't stand the way it was taught at my school. I'm thinking of at least minoring in it when I go back to uni, though. God, I have no idea. There's too much I want to learn. Oh I remember that statue! Random... I wonder if that's to do with the fact that like, New Zealand was one of the last places discovered/colonised, and during her reign, and all... When I was there I don't think I took any photos though. Or even gave it a proper look, really. I fell in love with this war memorial down near the tower though. I can still remember the inscription on it.
  3. You got a pat? Niiice. The last time I was there they had chicks as well, which may have been why they kept their distance more than usual. Maybe. Then, while I heart birds and can recognise their cries and feathers, I don't really know much about them behaviourally, least of all the endangered ones that live in special reserves. I love how cheeky kaka are though, they're so funny. I used to always wear my hair tied up in a bun and they used to come and perch on my head
  4. Hope the 8 hours went smoothly! I've always wanted to go to Abu Dhabi... Sounds lovely though! Takahe are so gorgeous On Kapiti I used to want to pick them up and cuddle them because they were so outrageously fluffy. Kind of like an incongruous cross between a bird and a teddy bear (why yes I did drop biology after that one term in 5th form). They weren't too impressed by my efforts though. I have family rights to Kapiti, so I don't count as part of the only-50-people-are-allowed-on-Kapiti-at-any-given-moment thing, you see.
  5. Hey kitty! I'm good, you? How's uni going for you? Third year awesomesauce? Welly is win And thanks, and yeah, it is. I'm really looking forward to like, this whole life living business now
  6. Oh congrats with the restricted! As a carless person (living in Wellington does this to you. The public transport system is ingrained in my psyche) I appreciate the hugeness of this achievement Special centre-wise: I don't even have to go anymore (I was going next month) Which is just testament to how awesome (but actually normal, in the grand scheme of things, but still) things are. I am invincible, in a way I haven't been since I was about 16.
  7. Yeah me too. I've always wanted to go to one. My mum's decided it's an example of generation Y warmongering, but I'm surprisingly not as cynical as her when it comes to ANZAC things. Though I didn't even buy a poppy this year... My family were living in Paekakariki when I was born, but as much as I'd like to blame my tortocullis (my-neck-bones-are-funny-itis) on the steepness of the hills I don't think it'd fly It was a beautiful place to live and stuff though. I remember the way my dad used to go walking down to the beach, with me in one of those backpack things people put babies in on his back. I remember when his strides used to feel endlessly huge and loping and rolling to my toddler self The market is made of fail. So is WINZ. I wish you the best of luck on that front. As to the mamaness - that's the most sensible thing to do imo.
  8. no you to infinity

    *seals the victory with a :kiss:*

    the sky?

  9. I've never been to one, though my koro was in the 28th Maori Battalion, and my granddad did "undercover work". Did you go? How was it? Sorry to hear about the WINZness and the mama dramas. I've been there. It totally sucks.
  10. Awww pau :kiss: you are loverly.

  11. Nick, my mini twin. I missed you tooooo

  12. *So tempted to drop in AIDS*


    Uhm... I'm just not a very nice person?

  13. Because nobody wants me :'(

  14. Lolz. I heart youuuuuu :kiss:


    Lots :awesome:



    Living there


    As in, it's not been a hospital for like 25 years but it's still not got internets or phone lines, though the rent is muy cheap.



  16. i love you

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