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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. Thanks Lol yeah, my worst thing is that I tend to take herbal tea bags with me wherever, so I'll go to coffee stalls and ask for hot water I'm a good swimmer but if my non-existent wakeboarding skills are anything to go by, surfing is going to take me a LOT of practicing. Sucky. I'm sure you'll have done really well though!
  2. I think they were trying to get the last name on the members list or something? And it so totally will happen. Eventually. I just need to steel myself to actually want to go visit all the family I have scattered across Auckland first (of the 15 I can think of off the top of my head, I enjoy the company of 4 of them...) Haha not really. I'm not pulling some cut off a chunk of myself to cook into stew kind of a thing (ancient chinese remedy for a parent's disease of any description, or so I am told). I stay awake til about 3 most nights anyway. Your chair is trying to tell you something though, I think
  3. that's terrible Multiple accounts where the person kept wanting to change their username? Oh oh oh that's pretty Did you do the kind of hopping dance with your arms flailing above your head while shimmying your shoulders to try and wriggle out of it? That is the best dance evar Me three? Got a job as a barista this summer on the surf highway though, so I suspect that my coffee consumption is set to increase exponentially. And with any luck I'm finally going to learn to surf this summer! Congrats!!! Everyone gets me mixed up with my uncles kids, rather than my own sisters. That photo is quite lovely, btw (: At first I didn't realise what you guys were on about. Then I clicked on the finger talk. That creepy santa. My hair is like, the exact opposite... It's so madly ringlety/curly/frizzy/wavy (not any one of those so much as a curious combination of all 4 textures and dispositions) that it dreads up every couple of days. I'm getting it cut short this summer though, because it is the worst thing to deal with otherwise! I do this as well. I find it so hilarious because like, they all go "What should I do???" about romance and I dish out advice every time they ask, and even though I've pointed out more than once that my track record is just about as dysfunctional as it gets, they still take what I say to heart. Which is really kind of whack if you think about it... Awww you guys! I'll probably shoot up to Auckland at some point next year - I'll let you all know (on an internet message board, because I'm totally security conscious) and we can has catch ups Daaaamn I'm tired now... but I'm going to stay awake tonight in case mum needs anything, because I'm much more likely to help her if she needs something if I don't have to pull myself out of sleep in the first place to do it.
  4. My computer is a desktop, so I'm sitting on a cushion on the floor with my keyboard on my lap and the screen itself on this random little table about a metre from the foot of my bed I can only hear snores though, so heartsrevolution it is.
  5. Sucky. Hope you sleep soon! I refused to drive 20km to the shops today (I've started driving properly! ) because I felt tired, and thought I might sleep, but it didn't happen. It wasn't like we needed anything urgently. I didn't, anyway. I don't smoke and so hadn't run out of cigarettes And it really is.
  6. Damn. Sorry about your ankle. Hope the meringues work out! This ALWAYS happens to me because my family get superbly impatient when cakes are baked, so I ice them too early because otherwise people in my house tend to hack into un-iced, unattended, freshly baked cakes with spoons Argh. I'm feeling kind of vile tonight because I didn't get to sleep until 7am today, and woke up at 11, and it's 1am and I'm still up and urgh. On the bright side I've just watched The Darjeeling Limited which is just made of win
  7. So well she goes to Australia to... pipe dem bags... My brother's very proud of her for it Yeah, 'tis. Cordelia is pretty though We went to King Lear when the Royal Shakespeare Comp came to NZ in like 2008. It was pretty damn epic, though given the startled barks of laughter the audience gave when they recognised something familiar - yet completely out of context with what was happening in the story - I kinda think most people just went to see Ian McKellen in the buff Damn it I'm tired. But I only managed to sleep between 7 and 11 this morning, so...
  8. Yeah, my cousin's got really militant about christmas this year every day she's calling or texting to say that I need to get on the internet to book plane tickets to auckland so I can camp on someone's floor to spend a day with the family at large who I don't really like and will try to harrass my mum while I'm in the kitchen cooking them mountains of food. Whereas Mum and I are planning on hop/skip/jumping over to Hawke's Bay to hang out with family friends who a)have room for us b)understand mum's illness and c)are generally higher up on our list of loved ones than those we're meant to love. When I was 15 my brother told me to "be nicer" to my aunts because I upset them when I was a bitch to them. If they weren't so horrible to my mum, I wouldn't be a bitch though. Seriously, Goneril and Regan comparisons have been made by outside observers. And I'm so over family. Last night my brother announced he never wants to hear from any of us ever again. He's suffering from illusions of Stepford suburban grandeur now that he's all grown up and has a girlfriend who plays bagpipes Blah. Sorry for the rant! I kinda went on an organisation/holiday tangent...
  9. That is just about the coolest thing I've ever heard of! I don't generally celebrate my birthdays because bad stuff usually happens around that time of year Plus I haaate the organisation that has to go into entertaining other people.
  10. I looove fancy dress parties The last one I went to I was a Pot-smoking hippie. I looked pretty epic, but everybody decided I was Pocahontas instead Freddie Mercury in some guise or other could also be cool... Hmm. I'll think of more
  11. *sulks/ignores aucklanders' margarita talk* Naaaaasty. Ooh cool theme! Um... worst comes to worst go naked and say you're being Blink 182 in the What's My Age Again? video In the meantime... Andre 3000 in the Hey Ya video as one of the guys in green? Um... David Bowie in the Space Oddity vid with the make up and epic clothes? A MAN IN BLACK FROM THE WILL SMITH SONG You know it
  12. Yeah, he got off. Now I can devote my energy to pushing that skeleton back into ma closet where it belongs. I see this and want to roar back at him I bought the 36th Chamber of Shao Lin from the Warehouse Oh warewhare <3
  13. I've always been told it's best to buy the cheeses that are reduced - like, if you're buying the fancy shmancy ones - because older cheeses are yummier. Then I saw that what's really in our food show about cheese... Haven't heard anything from/about my dad so I'm presuming he's not going to prison.
  14. Thank you A while ago kitty was talking about mayonnaise her mum was trying to foist on her 2 months past its useby or something? It totally happened to me tonight But as it was Canadian mayonnaise, and had a best if used by date, rather than a use by date, it was still on the shelves at new world. Still a bit , but it tasted fine. And was probably so synthetic it didn't matter either way.
  15. I could imagine fights and stuff being really awkward if you were the other person. Was it a Raukatauri? One of the massive green ones whose english name I don't know? I love those. I hate it when my cat decides they're fair game. They're really rather beautiful. Argh I have to write this horrendously awkward letter tomorrow asking for my dad's name suppression to please not be lifted because it would have an adverse effect on me if it was. Eloquently. Fudgesicles.
  16. I hate it when that happens I always try to get them out but then they fall or get wet and are fucked. I remember jo (I think?) advising me on not flatting with good friends because you end up really fucked off with them I loved my flat on the dixon street steps (about 2 minutes from vic), and my flattie. I only met her on the doorstep as I was moving in but we hit it off. She heard me playing muse and interpol, when I was organising my bedroom and the rest was history. Pity our landlord was such an evil wanker... and I always saw him at the waterfront farmer's market on Sundays Couples would feel weird though, imo...
  17. Because the supermarkets focus on making every single fruit and vege look exactly the same size/shape/colour and ignore the fact that TASTE is like, the most important bit We have a shit tonne of silverbeet in our garden atm, and tomatoes and grapes and apples which'll be ready in like the next couple of months. The strawberries are my favourites though
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