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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. Fank you.



  2. Same to you hot stuff :awesome:

  3. :awesome: Hope you had fun!
  4. Love and kisses

  5. :chuckle: The one time I saw myself in one it made me look like a ghost I was so pale! Ah, trouble. So fun, yet so ill of consequence...
  6. Sara.


    You light up my life.

  7. Pau my juicy mexican. I'm interesting <3

    How are you?

  8. Sexy pic :eyebrows:


    Good. Busy, but good. You?

  9. Less than threeeeeeeeeee


    God, I so wish I could be here moar and talk!

  10. I knooow. I miss youuuu :(

  11. I leave home at 7.30am and get home again at 10pmish.


    I have a break in between, but I usually go to my cousins'

  12. Less than three my lovelyyyy ♥

  13. That's what I'm here for ;)

  14. Less than three babe :kiss:

  15. Mia I love you.


    I have 2 jobs and very little free time now.

  16. Oh sucky I'm sure you'll have a great time next weekend though! Didn't get through to my mum when I called her up for mother's day. Probably just as well. She called 3 times yesterday.
  17. AWWW! HAVE FUN! Oh yeah! Imma St V de P that shit up Yeah, I got like, emails from amnesty international and greenpeace saying "OH EM GEE WIN"... which was the first I heard about it I like to think I would have gone if I'd been in Auckland... Holy fuck Urgh. In my efforts to be a good, healthy person again, I soaked lentils the other day and have been making soup this morning. I just burnt the bottom of a saucepan black because I forgot to check it Still got a shit tonne of unburnt soup though, so yey.
  18. I don't have half - I have double I keep clothes I never wear but want to keep because they're nice and I might need them again one day in trashbags. The massive BlackSak trashbags. Just on the floor of our sleepout. I also have a wall to wall bookcase and about four banana crates filled with books, mostly ones I've outgrown, but don't know how to get rid of. How does one get rid of childhood books when one is the youngest child? I have nobody younger than me to hand stuff down to, and had all my cousins hand things down to me To say nothing of useless trinkety things like welsh teasets and murano glass arty blobs and perfume and jewellery and wine bottles I thought were too beautiful to recycle a million years ago and shells and boxes and feathers and... urgh. I need a storage unit. Or an oil drum to burn things in. Oh I'm so glad you had fun!!! Loved those pics as well Feeling very very bored. Now that I'm better I'm so over not being at university. I read As I Lay Dying in six hours the other day because my brain felt like it was turning to mush
  19. Cucumbers on the eyes!


    I think... I tried it once and it didn't work, but I only left them there for two minutes before I got bored :chuckle:

  20. Hope you guys are having a fantabulous time! My day was pretty boring. I stayed in my pjs til 2pmish, then I got back into them at 6. I did housework, and actually took a look for the first time since January through all my crap from my old flat. I'm a little appalled by how much junk I have.
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