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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. Minus the awesomeness of this one cmbBM4gO4mE Ooh cool! Kora are awesome live I like this Deciding to go to auckland rather than melbourne on the grounds that the pixies are playing melbourne in March, and I am not rich enough to go twice
  2. Heaps of fun I kind of want to, but otoh, I resist doing that so much day to day that it'd feel weird lmao. I come from one of the more impt families in "teh Maori World" but... if I'm a princess, then so are like a good hundred other people princes/princesses right along with me haha. Lol. Nice I just word counted it and I'm up at 2500and something words atm - but it's not any good lmao. I started it because I had the poem In the Desert by Stephen Crane stuck in my head this morning (and most of today), and then... idk. I have like a handful of recurring characters who I tend to write about in various shards from time to time lol. And they turned up again today. So I wrote down another bit of their lives, I guess.
  3. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiickkkkkkkkk. But okay :happy:

    And sorry for not replying to your last message! I totally thought I had, but I prolly navigated away from the page before it had loaded properly...

  4. MIA MY LUFF :kiss:


    How's you?

  5. Awh that suckssss. Going to see your family would be awesome! I'm meaning to actually go and visit my rellies in the UK when I go again - last time it was an itinerary choice between France and Italy and little herefordshire, and I must admit I chose the former two... we intrigue each other from afar though haha. The kids go to Eton and are under the impression that I'm a native princess type of person And yeah, they came to get me but I refused to go with them lol. So then they replaced me with my best friend. I didn't grudge her though - I'd learnt how to use a cameraaaaa. Which beats Bill English any day
  6. It wasn't as conscious as it sounds. He came through to my low socio economic primary, and because I was such a pretty little kid I was chosen to be in photos with him to promote... him. (I was chosen for those kinda things a lot. Til I went all bad in 6th form ) So I hung around in the school hall while they were all boring and I decided the cameraman was more interesting than being in a silly photo so I went and learnt how to use one of those big chunky old school videro cameras instead of promoting him. Epic fail politician vs nice cameraman who shows 6 year old how to use his flash as (in the mid 90s) camera. No contest, really. Sucky do you have a godmother who gives you stuff and not your sister? That'd balance things out, somewhat...
  7. True, but as both my mum and dad are sick with liver disease and heart disease collectively atm, I probably wouldn't be able to afford the drugs or whatever. Plus because of my parents' life choices my doctor is totally against ever giving me anything stronger than panadol anyway
  8. Thing is, I don't want to be sick sick. So I don't want to get tests done case they confirm that I am indeed sick in a srs way. Plus I always feel embarrassed when I go see my doctor, because I used to be like, epically healthy wonderkid Maybe something awful happened to her, and new jobs became the last thing on her mind...
  9. I'm glad I shunned him in a propaganda photo shoot when I was little. Awww I'm sorry. Sick againnnn. I really should get those blood tests done. In the meantime I will watch extreme makeover and feel quite healthy by comparison.
  10. Tis. They gave me dinner tonight as well It's okay as long as I keep my physio exercises up - and no one knows unless I tell them haha. The only external sign of it is that the tendons in my neck are very... like... defined? Sticky outy as. Plus it's a good way to avoid stupid compliments/woefully inadequate attempts at seduction "You have such a sexy neck..." "I have tortocullis, asshole." Goodnight, yes, they win, and hope you had fun I think I can pretty much recite Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind word for word, but that's about it now lol. And I still don't have a job FUUUU-That's so horrible I'm sorry. Your mum needs to respect your relationship with your dad heaps. Otoh she's possibly hurt by the differences in your separate (but equal) relationships with the both of them. It's such a mess to deal with though. You have my sympathies, really. And sorry for the 2nd hand psychoanalysis. 3 MOAR READINGS AND I CAN SLEEP
  11. Tonnes of fun. My consolation is that I sometimes score a free hot breakfast at uni that early at the marae, at least. Fair enough haha. I have tortocullis (my-neck-vertebrae-are-wonky-itis) so I can understand that. Hot wheat packs are <3
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