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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. I got burnt by fireworks when I was 4. I grabbed one because it looked so pretty My life is made of fail lately. But on the bright side I've put pictures up on my walls again.
  2. Haha it is :yesey:

    And that's right lol. We have wireless so now mum can work and I can muck around at the same time :awesome::chuckle:


  3. :eek: you got sick??? OH NO :(

    Make sure you keep eating and drinking! Especially because you're by yourself... get your bf to leave you food on the doorstep or something?


    Nothing lol. But I'm in the process of moving back home from the city, so I picked up my computer from the room I'd been renting when I got forced to travel into said city.


    And get well soon!

  4. Lol. I had the most booooring day ever! Lots of errands. Travelled 86 miles or something in the process...

    But on the bright side I picked up my computer so yaaaay :happy:

    How about you? I like your avatar btw.

  5. Good thanks :D


  6. Ack, Saturday fail. In Maori one of the words for Saturday is Rahoroi --> washing day. So I have to vacuum and mop all the floors. Mop them twice. First to actually wash them with meths and stuff, and then to make them look extra purty and shiny. Fail, but visitors are turning up later who want to buy the house in a private deal, so...
  7. You too loverly

    I'd have texted you but I've lost my charger and my phone is only good for crushing garlic atm. And not v good at that anywayyyy

  8. Thanks! Me too... I was angling for a job at paknsave on the grounds that they pay better than Te Papa but there's nothing there just now haha. That sounds awesome! My brother went to that one with his gf I think And yeah haha. I have a Maori first name which is one of those epically long epithetical ones. And then just to mess with people, a middle name as well
  9. Epic birthday present My cousin took me, and because we got our seats at the last minute we got a box. I'm glad it's sunny but hating on my neighbours. They told my mum she couldn't do 3 pointer turns because it was potholing the shared access. Um, no, that would be the gazillion builders and concrete pourers and plumbers and general people-with-trucks constantly going down it while the two of you sit in a caravan and watch grand designs I'm so glad my aunt is here though. She's staying til January when she goes back to Canada. If I can earn $2500 before then I can go tooooo. But to do that I need a job. So now I need to update my CV and start looking.
  10. That's awesome And I wouldn't ever have to bother about my massive long string of names ever again (my rl name is 14 syllables long ) That's so cool about your family! ... I hate rent though not a musical person... Though I saw the Lion King in london and it was amazing.
  11. It's good to be as well It'll probably hit me all over again on the 18th when it gets to court but for now I am at one with the universe. Glad your beer was tasty. And ofc it was right. It's a friday! EDIT - When I caught the train to welly each day for school there was always a group of passengers who went right through to palmy and had happy hour on friday nights because the capital connection has a bar onboard
  12. I'm feeling less upset about it today. If I change my name then I could make Doctor my first name. And then be introduced as "This is Doctor Elena <insert new last name here>" and nobody would ever argue with me again It's cool how you and your dad's birthdays are so close Lol. Nice
  13. Thank god for name supression, I guess. The grubber is probably going to lift it though. They rang to ask my mother "if I'd mind" Yes? So I need to ring them and beg them not to, and somehow avoid promising to speak to the police in the process. I really really don't want to talk to the cops about any of this which is why I haven't called the grubber sooner, because they're angling for me to give a statement or something. Go see a therapist and draw some traumatic memories up out of my subconscious to support a grubber's grubbery accusations. For the second time around The grubber has changed their story, you see. That's why all of this is happening. Horrible grubbing bitch.
  14. Haha. I wish it would. But it won't. That's the whole point. I buried the skeletons in ma closet and marked the spot with a gravestone and moved on. But somebody else has grubbed them up again in order to hurt somebody else, which in the process is going to hurt me almost as badly. Said grubber knows what this will do to me - destroy my life. I'm being oh so publically re-tied to a tragedy I thought I'd long since escaped - but they're doing it anyway because they're twisted and bitter and filled with this all-consuming desire for revenge. And it just... kind of sucks.
  15. There's nowhere to buy donuts in Wellington I'm out at mum's again because my life has gone BOOM. Well... not actually my life. I am just collateral damage. Anyway. In response to the Halloween question... giving out lollies to the kids that come to the french doors out the front of our dining room.
  16. I wish I was shorter. Being tall makes me feel so self-conscious because I stick out. Literally I have officially overstayed my welcome at Mum's. Turns out she thought that my coming with her this weekend was a statement of me moving back in. No no no no no no no no no. I can't live here. I eat like crap and muck around in a kind of haze of tv watching and internet surfing because there is absolutely nothing to do, unless you feel like walking through farmland for hours, and I've been there and done that.
  17. Hey steve!! :kiss:


    I'm okay lol. I kind of uhm...had like this rather drawn out breakdown. But things are okay now :)


    How're you??

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