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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. Alone we are born And die alone; Yet see the red-gold cirrus Over snow mountain shine. Upon the Upland Road Ride easy, stranger: Surrender to the sky Your heart of anger. Just because it's stuck in my head and is beautiful. Plus it was his anniversary a couple of days ago. And this is the NZ thread. And I feel like spamming
  2. om nom nom.


    but not with vinegar (<--- fail)

  3. sharks are yummy with chips

  4. Thank you.


    Glad you saw reason. My awesomeness really is inexorably inevitable.

  5. You don't need to laugh so loudly :p



  6. Awww. It's okay. Character building stuff, I daresay. I'm going to have so much character by the time I'm 25. I bet I'll be impossible to live with because I'll be so awesome :cool:

  7. Tentatively hopeful, which is good.

    Plus I had this random text convo with some random person who thought I was called Morgan and had the same name as my brother - which is why I replied to their text initially because I thought he'd texted the wrong phone - tonight, which was entertaining :)

    Plus I have $4.57 to live on for the next 10 days which strikes me as brilliantly fun :D I'm so glad I'm still young enough to enjoy poverty... :LOL:

  8. Haha yep.

    How's school and life and stuff?

  9. Alright :) I was kind of sick for a while, but I'm on the mend now which is awesomesauce :happy:

    Back out in teh smalltown I only so recently escaped though!

    But only for a couple of days.

  10. Hi hi duges how're how're you???

  11. Ofc Glad you could put more weight on it, though sorry it still hurts. It was looking pretty scary at the time And given that 4 years ago I ended up with this sack of purple blood and pus the size of a golf ball hanging off my knee I wasn't taking any chances ... I think I kind of sort of debrided it myself then ... Grosssss. But I like gross stories like that Ba dum tish.
  12. Debridements? What are those? I am being careful about infection though. Especially because it's on my heel. When I first dealt with it I was so worried I put undiluted dettol on it - I very nearly screamed Yeah, pretty much. Though if my mum hadn't been there I might have said yes... but I feel so weird about doing anything like that around my parents haha. They do stuff around me and always have - and still do - but like... the idea of me doing anything like that around them is sort of like... watching the rain fall upwards to the sky or something. Against the laws of reality. Anyway, hope your walk is nice! And ofc is, as rich said, of course
  13. Haha me too. It feels so stupid that something that mundane can like, render me so useless. I couldn't even walk to the shops (about 800m from my house) the other day, so I couldn't eat Plus of being at home ofc being the fridge. I had cheese on toast for breakfast
  14. Thanks hun Somebody I know who knows about my mum's 10 year heroin addiction offered me cocaine in her presence when I was 17 I have that movie on DVD. I might watch it today. my friend works at the embassy movie theatre in welly and before they got bought by skycity, they used to have labrynth nights. The staff would all be in hysterics up in the room with the projector at the size of bowie's package on that massive screen... Comfortable shoes win. I went for a walk on like Wednesday in stupid shoes. So now I have this open blister on the heel of my right foot the size of an old 50c coin and I have to walk on my tippy toes til it heals. Plus it's kind of creepy because it was so deep that like, there's kind of a hole in my foot now.
  15. thanks Thanks And yeah, one of my aunt's takes one of the... I have no idea, course/program thingies there or something. So I'd have family close even though I'd be one of the people undergoing the whole healing thing, and living at the retreaty place, rather than helping out haha. But it's so awesome! Again with the awesome face.
  16. I had like a sickness-induced breakdown, and had to withdraw from uni, among other fun things... But I'm okay now =) Might be going to Canadia next year for like 6 months though, to like... go live at like an indigenous people of the world healing centre place though lol. If I do go I miss BDO though... Anyway, you??? EDIT - omfg your avatar <3
  17. Hey! :kiss: Pretty darned sick lol. And without internet again as well because then the circuitry in my room broke so I lost all my power :LOL:


    You? x

  18. Urgh. Sickness fail But I paid my rent (overdue the last 7 weeks) today which was cool $40 to live on til next Thursday, and I have nothing else to buy Sad about the sunbear
  19. Tag-team baby. I suck at holding Inorite? Those are like, the only lines I know... This. Super sad. That's just terrible... and surely cuts out like most of the population of new zealand...
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