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Everything posted by Picko

  1. What a fucking amazing night. I almost passed out after Hysteria and as a result I couldn't properly enjoy Hyper Music. During Starlight I had to get water before I collapsed, so sorry if I barged through you. I went absolutely batshit during Dead Star. Highlight of the gig for me. Wished I'd got to see some of you, but alas.
  2. Really don't understand the AC/DC comparisons. If AC/DC were releasing songs that sounded like this, I'd be listening to them a lot more. The riff/solo is straight out of the book of Tom Morello, who himself is influenced by classic rock guitarists, but makes a lot more use of effects, just like Matt does here.
  3. As soon as they went on sale. My friend got it for me actually. I couldn't get in as it told me they couldn't find tickets, but all my friends got through somehow. Hope you can get one
  4. Wow, I go to a Royal Blood gig and come back to all this info?! I've missed a fucking lot. Not going to get into the habit of predicting song styles based on song titles, but I like a lot of the names. As for the song dropping tomorrow, I am all about dat.
  5. I love how everyone is so excited about the 0305030 riff (which sounds INCREDIBLE by the way), that nobody seems to care about the heavy palm-muting riffs beforehand The excitement is REAL.
  6. I know it sounds pedantic, but I've been meaning to point it out: how do we even know that Milan Strings was for a Muse song? Could it be they were just watching a string section record a piece for some entirely different project? In that case, it was just a massive wind up to get to all the fans who have been anticipating a three-piece record with just guitar, bass and drums. I know it may be a little ridiculous but it's been nagging at me in the back of my mind.
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