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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. I will wait patiently for that day to come! Who knows one day we may even meet each other... I off to bed now so catch you later! bye xx:kiss:

  2. Also don't suppose you could tell me the whereabouts of the copy of your Muse Demo cassette??

  3. Hello again just been checking out some people's albums where they have met Muse (lucky gits) Btw do you Dom, Tom and Chris have knicknames for each other??

  4. Hey hows life in your part of the world Muse fan?? :p

  5. Hey thanks for the add friend (still jealous of you meeting Muse lol!) :D

  6. Ha Why 2 years lol! Paris can't wait baby lol ;) What would you do?? remain secret like Banksy?? x

  7. London is the place to be for graffiti art... or Paris, yeah def paris lol! x

  8. Damn can I ask how you came about meeting Muse?? What were they like & was Morgan cool?? I wish I could meet them all some day... some day *sighs and stares into space* :)

  9. Hey Have you ever been to Bray?? My parents friends are gonna visit there soon! :) Hows things btw?? xx

  10. Street art as in graffiti?? I love art by Shepard Fairey (he designed my guitar) You should check out some of his OBEY PROPAGANDA work! :) xx

  11. I'm sooo guted! I finally got ma hair cut but the manic panic dye still hasn't arrived!!! I'll update my album see if you like it (minus red/black colour lol) xx :p

  12. I'm sooo guted! I finally got ma hair cut but the manic panic dye still hasn't arrived!!! I'll update my album see if you like it (minus red/black colour lol) xx :p

  13. Hey finally caught you online! How you been?? x

  14. Hey Have you got Resistance 2 yet on PS3??

  15. Mostly looking at cubist and futurist movements really! Have to do an essay on it :( I prefer avant garde stuff at the minute because its all red and black! How bout yourself?? x

  16. Hey I saw your album! I must say I think your prob the 1st to have a pic of a physics teachers lol! x

  17. Cool Im doin A level Art but I want to draw/paint what I want... not what others want me to paint! x

  18. Hey Hi again! Cool pics of your dog Toby! :) How you been??

  19. Hey I added those pics of my hat lol! Btw creepy mask pics lol! xx

  20. oh sorry I meant part but I was doing some art ya see! :p x btw I've got some new pics to upload!!! xx

  21. Hey again hows life in your art of the world?? xx

  22. Yeah I bought a big furry russian military hat! Sadly no tshirts lol! I'm liking the pics of the Masks... very seductive lol! ;) x

  23. Hey have you heard anything about the Muse RAH DVD?? Some people say its available for download! x

  24. Yeah the usual! English and Art but at least they will be over soon & I can start relaxing again lol! I miss the holidays... the good ol' days! :p x

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