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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Me... absolutely!!! I'm just a big kid who still loves opening loads of presents, hey isn't that what christmas is all about?? x

  2. Aww man that sucks!!! You weren't working at woolies were you?? Sucks to be them right now!!!

  3. Hey how are you?? Looking forward to christmas yet?? x

  4. Hey I haven't spoken to you in absolutely ages!!! Are you lookgn forward to christmas?? x

  5. Do you have like a really big party and drink lots at new year (I sure do) why don't you celebrate christmas then?? xx

  6. I hope so too! Yeah they are my fav; Sunburn, Bliss and Space dementia... plus I would like to learn Feeling good!!! What are you doing for christmas then appart from not celebrating it lol?? x

  7. I don't know i have really kept myself away from the presents lol! not even a peek!!! So I will be extra suprised on christmas day!!! x

  8. Aww I am sorry to hear that! :( hope that your leg gets better though before christmas... not that it will stop you opening your presents!!! :p xx

  9. Ha no... well ints not really a band coz we just meet up and play a few covers in someones house! I wouldn't mind another guitar but I might get a keyboard or a piano and learn muse songs!!! x

  10. Hey you guys have a myspace page??

  11. Me... I am really looking forward to christmas I can't wait to open my presents!!! So close, yet so far!!! x

  12. How could I lol! Yeah def I'm looking forward to christmas and all those presents lol! How bout yourself?? xx

  13. Ha sorry i have been rushing my homework lol! Play.com is the site where I got the jacket from!!! You should try to get 1 before they al sell out!!! want the link?? x

  14. Hello again!!! How have you been?? x

  15. Hi again! Looking forward to christmas?? Any plans for the festive season??

  16. Sorry man I haven't been around much! Christmas shopping has dominated my life recently and forcing me to spend way too much!!!

  17. Honestly Muse gift wrapped would be the greatest present for christmas! Either that or annother guitar as wel!!! I don't believe in traditional christmas... only presents lol! x

  18. They are pretty awesome lol! Converse?? Holy shit I was trying to order a pair as well but got worried about shipping prices to uk lol! What shoes are they?? xx

  19. Oh sorry I was more on about the holiday rather than the actual event! I don't believe in christmas... just presents lol! best part :) x

  20. Same getting ready for christmas lol!

  21. Hey do you have myspace?? I'm trying to keep in touch with everyone that way! xx

  22. Hey Christmas is coming!!! You have any plans at all?? xx

  23. Ha matt the best gift you have given is your music lol! Bells rulez!!!

  24. He is an old friend who goes to a different school, we used to go to the same secondary school! Btw I got a Muse jacket today... christmas has come early!!! xx

  25. Hey again sorry its been a while! Christmas shopping has taken over my life :p Hows things??

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