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Status Updates posted by rainingradioheads

  1. She's so lolzy though. :LOL:


    I love her existence just so I can laugh at her music, style, whatevers.

  2. Doing what?


    Head hurts, 4:30 AM, blah blah blah.


    ke$ha ke$ha ke$ha

  3. You can't be bothered with ANYTHING I tell you to do.



  4. You should get a Twitter, so I can pretend to have friends and be cool, innit.

  5. Twitter is overrated, everyone on it is so cliquey. :indiff:


    However, TOTALLY love the idea of it.



  6. "Yes, I am 11. If you think you're so much better than me because you're older, fuck off. But if you know that we don't have to be a certain age to have a mind and to be respected, I love you"



  7. You ROCK at lolz, post more.


    Better than like everything I've seen in there since thread 1. :LOL:

  8. But vegetables and fruits. <3


    And BREAD. <3333

  9. Meh, I don't eat a lot of things, I'm extremely picky. :awesome:

  10. Endlessly Cheese > Idaho Potatoes. :awesome:

  11. I don't really eat potatoes. :awesome:

  12. Everyone wants some decent Endlessly. :yesey:

  13. Your cheese life is totally failing at the moment.


    You're eating Guiding Light when you could be having Endlessly. :happy:

  14. Wisconsin Cheese >>>>>> ALL


    Srsly, I go somewhere else and all dairy products taste WRONG.

  15. The best EVER. California's cheese can go burn, I don't care.

  16. At least you produce people.


    We gave the world the Violent Femmes and the Hamm Brothers. Err...not much else really. :LOL:

  17. :LOL: All I know is we have cheese, beer, and cranberries.



  18. Well my state produces Guiding Light and NSC.

  19. I say this aaaall the time too.


    I just automatically think I'm friends with everyone. :facepalm:

  20. We seriously weren't friends before? :LOL:

  21. http://www.mediafire.com/?7tdkyaemhhn60fq


    May be a bit less shit than the last one. TiRO, Bad Romance, and Poker Face.

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